Where does creativity come from?
Par Ninoka • 21 Octobre 2018 • 1 493 Mots (6 Pages) • 496 Vues
Based on my experience, I can tell that many people have different points of view concerning the origin of creativity.
My mother suffered financially as a child. Because her parents did not have enough money to enroll her in school, she has not had an academic education. She spent her days wandering around and playing with the other children of the city. Always in the sand or nature, my mother was used to using a piece of cane and make drawings in the sand. She was drawing everything and anything, and her friends found it funny. As she grew, her love for drawing grew all along, she was drawing more and better. She always sought to go farther than her old drawings. She was always trying to make new drawings, drawings that were "out of the ordinary" according to her. Her specialty was to draw clothes. One day, she opened a clothing store: She became a designer. Everyone loved her cuts of clothes that she proposed, and that her couturiers performed for her clients. I asked her, "Mom, where do you hold your inspiration, how can you be so creative?" She replied: "My inspiration is the love that I have for this work, because of this love, I manage to go beyond my limits in drawings ... I never want my clients to get bored of my design so I create more.” Even though she did not go to school, her creativity came from the fact that she loved her work.
In contrast, my boyfriend who is an engineer told me that he drew his creativity from his friends and that creativity is a very important trait for all of them. At first, I did not quite understand, then I asked him to give me some more details. He started by telling me that every minute he spends with his friends, is very valuable to him. Although he and all his friends have the same interests, goals, and dreams, they also have the same desire to challenge each other in all categories. So, while they are together, they are only challenging each and every one in order to test their creativity in all levels. This permits them to have fun while using their brain. Indeed, creativity is not only demonstrated at school or in a room, but also in all that is done in life. My boyfriend is very smart and he is sure to develop his creativity from hanging out with his friends. And this creativity is reflected in his work as an engineer too.
In conclusion, learning is available to us all through everything we do. In addition, creativity may have several origins depending on the person. For example, for Gray, creativity comes the freedom to choose and to play, but for Twigger, creativity comes from mastering many fields. For me, creativity has only one origin: It comes from the love of one has for an entity. The first thing in order to be able to discover the creativity in us is to be free to play all around with what we already have. Indeed, being free gives us the strength to make mistakes without being judged. Meanwhile, the fact of making mistakes, allows us to learn. And by learning new things, we are more likely to develop new skills and therefore being more innovative. And then, the second and last thing is to love the thing you do. Because if you really love doing something, you will be determined about this thing not to be finished but to get better.
Works Cited
Gray, Peter. “The Play Deficit.” Aeon, 18 Sept. 2013, Aeon Media Ltd. https://aeon.co/essays/children-today-are-suffering-a-severe-deficit-of-play
Twigger, Robert. “Master of Many Trades.” Aeon, 4 Nov. 2013. aeon.co/essays/we-live-in-a-one-track-world-but-anyone-can-become-a-polymath