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The history of women in america from domesticity to civil rights

Par   •  14 Novembre 2018  •  1 014 Mots (5 Pages)  •  808 Vues

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A lot of female's author tried to denounced the cult of domesticity, but not all women's were likely to rebel. Te author catherine beecher for example was deeply convinced that women did have the best role, because men were gentle with them and they didn't have to work and worry about political matters. During the 20th century, women were still seen as frail creatures unable of doing any physicall work and who still belonged in the houses doing houseworks. but the WW2 changed a lot of things. As men were leaving for war, women had to do the job they left behind. The US governement made war time propaganda to enrole as much women as they could.

The song Rosie the Riveter was created to encourage women to do blue collar jobs. The fictionnal character Rosie the Riveter is now an icon. She represents all the hard workers strong, determined and patriotic women who worked during the WW2. The two posters are war time propaganda. They show strong willfull women. At that time it was believed that women couldn't do that kind of jobs and that's why WW2 was a turning point for women. Berween 1940 and 1944, there were a 60 percent increase of women's workers. Women during WW2 showed the world they could do same as men and even better. These bue collar jobs were way more paid than what they were used to, it reopened the debate on equal pay. After the war women were forced back into their pink collard jobs or their housewives life. But it was too late, women had tasted higher salary and recogniation and were now really borded of their housewives lifes. It was still seen as unappropriate for a women to have a professionnal carreer. Rosie the Riveter became an iconic symbol of women's right struggle. The slogan is still used today, for political campaign such as Barack Obama's Yes we Can or feminists campaigns.

Today women are no longer financially dependant on men. The situation has evolved positively there are more job opportunities and more rights. In 1975 47 percent of women were working outside the home and now 71 percent of women are working outside the home. There's changes in family life too, there's more parity in the couple there's a coming together of roles. But men and women aren't equal yet there are still a lot of discrimination and women are less paid plus they still do most of the housework and mostly educate their kids.


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