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Myhts and heroes, notion d'anglais

Par   •  18 Avril 2018  •  936 Mots (4 Pages)  •  568 Vues

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To illustrate, we can also take the example of Rosa Parks. As a child, she suffered of racial segregation; she had to walk to school because black children weren’t allowed to take the bus. In 1955, she was sitting in the bus and a white person asked to sit at her place. She refused and she was arrested for that. Now, she is a symbol of counter power and courage in face of racial injustice because she was one of the first to say no to all these unfair rules and to injustice.

We also speak about Nelson Mandela in the class. Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa in the 20ies. At this time, South Africa were leaded by a white minority. In 1944, he managed to enter the African national congress and proposed to fight against white domination but in a pacific way. The congress was deleted in 1959, and he decided to use violence. He was arrested and sent to jail. He spent 27 years in jail, and when he was liberated, in 1990, he was considered as a hero. He was elected president of South Africa. He received also the Nobel price of peace. He is a symbol of the fight against the apartheid, and contributed in making South Africa free.


To conclude, I think that the concept of myths and heroes has an important place in the society. We must not forget that the definition hero is subjective, it depends on us and society. There are fictitious hereos like Superman, Batman.. and also real heroes like Emily Davidson, Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela. The fictitious hereos are specially for children important. Indeed thanks tot hem they could learn important values and what is good or bad. They have a model role. The real hereos make the mentaly evolve and give a chance to live in a more egalitive society.


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