Britain wealthiest andm most powerful nation on earth
Par Andrea • 17 Septembre 2018 • 941 Mots (4 Pages) • 526 Vues
In Paris, they wanted to use steam to solve the floodings. They tried to steal the design by ordering two of them and trying to build it but bigger. They also wanted to improve the design. But they failed because there wasn’t the free flow of ideas because of the monarchy of Louis 14. New businesses of the industrial rev were solide and where to expend. There was one place that was able to generate the wealth, the west indies. There was strong walls protecting the region and the English fleet protecting the place. France was basically shit and didn’t let anyone do anything they wanted to because they didn’t promote ideas and shit.
There was dungeons built for slaves, with only small slits for light. Sugar being the leading import with all the slavery. The trade made the country billions of pounds. But what happened to the wealth? Britain was exporting across the world. The explosion of wealth created a financial evolution. New institution like banks and exchange were created in order to let the people invest. The new wealth improved a lot of lifestyles of the population. Gross domestic product doubled and a lot of times, people had extra money the spend. But they needed something to spend their money on which resulted in a rise of inventions and luxuries. Tea came from China, sugar from west indies. New lifestyle was created. The range of household shits changed. All the goods were designed and produced in Britain. Buffalo something understood that there was an opportunity (family of potters and household shit). That made him one of the richest man in the country. He became the father of what we call today advertising and selling. He opened his first showroom and understood women had to be the one convinced. They would be taken around the showroom and show the products. Within a decade, Oxford street alone had 153 shops. But he realized his pottery needed to be high quality and he needed to improve the strandard.