Test: traduction.
Par Plum05 • 5 Juin 2018 • 651 Mots (3 Pages) • 601 Vues
Elle a dû s’ arrêter et écouter le prof
He is about to implement a quality process
She was quick finishing this task
He says (that) you haven’t improved enough this week
You may not understand what i said // You may have not understood what i said
I’ ll be 25 at the end of the month
We may go to London by the end of the month
She has to work harder to succeed
She will walk to the airport, then she will fly to Tokyo
I don’t know where the cinema is
They have worked together for 4 years
By the end of the quarter, they will speak English Fluently
If she could, she would go back on holiday right now
She agrees, I Don’t.
She may come anytime / at any moment
How long will you stay in London ?
If he comes with me, I’ ll be happy
If you had been to the cinema last thuesday, you would have loved the movie
He said he would not be able to come next week
I will try and come tomorrow
She may have called him / her
When she was a child,she used to ride her bike to school
She agrees on coming tomorrow
We agree with you
She didn’t graduate
They may come next Monday
Did she help them finish
Did you buy your new house ?
They couldn t come last Tuesday
He will come if he can
As soon as possible
She doesn’ t work on wednesdays
We ll visit you next Thursday
They didn t insist enough on how important it is
He won’t go to Lyon, will he ?
Psychology cooking
Exam fini apres mariage
Marié avec enfants Impensable quand elle était université
Train see someone and speak to him .. People are confortable without knowing them each other
Everytime speaking
Many languages ’hundreds’
Differents immigrant
Differents neighboorhood
Differents food
Lise t ils tjrs le journal ?
Plus haut taux d achat de journaux
Chute des ventes années apres années
Internet est un ennemi
Danger majeur est que les gens preferent des petites video et de photos
Pas besoin de gros cout pour se lancer sur internet
Petits textes
Ils veulent du sensationnel / visuel
+ zone de marché etendue grace a internet
To improve : progresser s’ ameliorer
To implement : mettre en place