- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires


Par   •  31 Janvier 2018  •  1 180 Mots (5 Pages)  •  661 Vues

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In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence people's behaviour. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions.

I'm going to deal with the India case, in fact we constat that India is a country on the march. Thus we can also ask whether are all citizens on an equal footing in modern-day India ? First we’re going to see the inequalities among citizens, then the inequalities betweet men and women and to finish the gendercide practiced in this country.

First, In India there are lots of inequalities betweet rich and poor. India’s society are divised into rigid social class, the castes. The castes are a form of social stratification characterized by hereditary transmission of lifestyle (statue, job). This is based on a cultural notion of purity and pollution. This system is divised by into four unequal hereditary social class. Also there is a cast who is outcast, the dalits also known as the untouchables who are too poor to be recognized as real people. They perform the most menial jobs, basically anything associated with dirt. Even the cast system is forbidden, it still exists in rural areas and more precisely, still exists discrimination against Dalits. Today, there are 170 million Dalits in India and over 40 percent survive on less than 2 dollars a day. It’s the first form of inequality but it exist other inequalities in this country.

The dowry tradition is the largest inequality among men and women. When an Indian girl prepares to marry, their families have to give a dowry or a gift to their future husband’s family as compensation to the groom’s parents for the cost of educating their son. If after the wedding, the girl’s family has not paid the dowry, the woman is subject to torture and is sometimes even killed.

Then, There is the problem of the gendercide. In fact India is an increasingly male-dominated society as the latest census shows. The women are fewer than men in India because families are desperate for sons. In fact it’s financially more attractive because with the dowry, you can receive money when the boy will marry. Another reason is because families look after the family name. Also they think about the future when the boy will look after them more easier than a girl. So, that’s why a lot of girls are killed at their birth, this is called a gendercide. For example, we saw that 600,000 girls go missing every year and in the village of Korora, there are twice as many boys as girls. In 18 year’s time, India will be short of 10 million brides.

To conclude, India is a country with many inequalities and contradictions, first of all it exist a distinction betweet the citizens and also betweet men and women. Indeed , on the one hand there are lots of people very poor who live with 2 dollar a day and try to survive every day , and on the other hand there are the buiness men and companies, who are very rich. It is evident that inequality still exists among men, women and citizens in India. However, India is a country whose economy is currently changing.


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