- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires

Par   •  15 Janvier 2018  •  1 154 Mots (5 Pages)  •  733 Vues

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Furthemore, according to the text Trinidad and Tobago is known to be the birth place of percusions instruments as steel pan or drums. In 1959 members of the West Indian migrant community has created The Notting Hill Carnival sharing their inventions with the British and few years later the first outdoor Notting Hill promoted equality and cultural-unity between people of different walks of life and roots.While gathering people this event is the second most largest carnival in the world and participate in the toursit economy of England since(puisque) in 1976 it attracted 150.000 people.

However, the first carnival took place in St Pancras Town Hall as a response to tension of race relation lasting for a week, In 1976 violent riots ocurred during the occasion between policy, gangs of white and group of black youths.Showing that sharing a common space when we are culturaly and traditionay differents can lead to discrimination and conflicting situation.

UNHCR(The United Nations of Hight Commisioner for Refugees (established in 1950):

The fouth document is an UNHCR's article, talking about the immigration to Calais who hosting a number 2,3000 migrants. Because Europe represented a relief for them and the vision of a better prospect future for they children, since they escape wars, the risk to be kill, to endure starvation, persecutions (political, religious arrest). As the text shows, they're from unstable political countries such as

Iracq: attacks of the Islamic State

Sudan: interstate conflict between ethnic groups for control of territory but also global to have the sovereignty(souveraineté)stranglehold(main-mise) over oil.

Afghanistan: The war between the Soviets and their Afghan 1980-1988 communist allies against the mujahedin(islamist soldier) and the civil war between the various mujahideen factions 1992,followed since 1994 by the authoritarian regime of the Taliban...

But, event though they came to find a prosper life they still are looking for it today: undocumented and usually without money migrants have settled unexpectedly in the street and live with a disastrous health level. they have nowhere to throw their garbage, putting them close to their place of living they expose themselves diseases. They also live in the lowest comforts sleeping in torn tents, they suffer extreme weather conditions (freezing temperature,storms..).

Their well-being is seriousely affected: they endure the homesickness and this situation violate their dignity of humans beings. As Ahmed, a syrian expatriate say in the 2nd part of the story: “If I could go back to Syria, I'd go today.Even with the war it's better.At least there you're killed with honnour.” Furthemore, the growing population of migrants create tensions within(au sein de) the local community since the leaving charities(oganisme de bienfaisance)are overstretched(débordé) and propting the United Nation Hight Commisioners of refugees with the French Government to strengten their capacity to process asylum claims, offer temporary accomodations for asylum-seekers. (1stpurpose: safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees).

Since the 16th Britain has always been a contry of exchanges. Thanks to the Bristish Empire perpetuated with the Commonwealth, the number of immigration waves intensified during the Xxth century. In one hand, in creating a multi-cultural society immigration play a very main role in the economy of the contry. Furthemore, for refugees immigrate is a good way to escape the instability of their land, and have a new life with better conditions of living. But, in other hand, human flows, hardly controlled by the governments, created poverty, disturb the others exchanges as the carriage of goods with the stowaways ( passager clandestint) in the lorries and the economy of the state.


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