Espaces et échanges: How this notion can have an impact on the human’s life ?
Par Raze • 2 Juin 2018 • 1 039 Mots (5 Pages) • 717 Vues
the « historical deal in Paris »
-We can see this type of grouping but at more large scale like for an environmental.
-Indeed countries from all over the world meet to fight together and find solutions to the various environmental problems.
II)The negative effects of quite this international interaction
A)Technology for cohesion or for solitude ?
Article of the Newsweek « One hundred tweets of solitude »
-The technology allows to put the whole world in relation and thus contributes on a large scale to the communication and to the world interactions.
-But there is a problem: the existence of a paradox.
-In fact, the phone allows people to communicate even if they are not together but also the user of this technologic object can lose human contact.
-We can be with a lot of people and be alone at the same time because we are in our bubble. -We don’t communicate with real people but with virtual one.
-The technology can permit you to be closer with someone because we can say everything , because we avoid the eye contact. So We win the virtual communication but we lose the real communication. What is best?
B)The new problem is the migrant crisis
Les Miserables from Banksy, picture of Aylan Kurdi (The Telegraph) and caricature by David Horsy for the LA Times.
-Many artists, journalist denounced this problem with their works.
-Finally, we will see the « explosive » aspect of « exchanges ».
-Since the beginning of the civil war in Syria and the expansion of ISIS, people from Syria and other place in the world know a serious social, economical and political problems.
-Try to go in Europe for find a place to live in peace, far from war.
-They want to have a better life.
-However, it not happens in good terms. The travel is risky and they don’t know if they will see their family again.
-Numerous persons died trying to go to Greece or Italy by sea.
-For example, in 2015, Austrian police has found 71 migrants fead from suffocation in an abandoned lorry.
-Furthermore, some Europeans are hostile to the welcome of refugees.
-We can take the example of the Mexican border. Friends and family can just speak and touch their fingers.
To conclude we can say that the notion « spaces and exchanges » can have a positive and negative impact on the human’s life. In fact, it can unite people from all around the world thanks to some events like the world cup or thanks to the media in order to defend a cause together. It also allows people to find their destiny and to discover the world. But there are not only a positive way because with the technology some people can communicate and exchange but also can lose the human contact and the sense of reality. Also the immigration, separate families and killed people who leave their country in order to hope a better life.