Dates - English Civilization
Par Orhan • 4 Juillet 2018 • 621 Mots (3 Pages) • 623 Vues
→ Demand management in a mixed economy: government had to intervene to achieve full employment and planned economic growth by:
- spending money on infrastructure
- stimulating demand by lowering taxes
Failure: Stagflation: rinsing unemployment and inflation.
1979: Geoffrey Howe's budgets
- 1st budget: A move away from Keynesian demand management
- To reduce the money supply in order to check (controler) inflation = monetarism
- To reduce direct taxation and public expenditures in order to boost consumer spending.
- 1981 budget:
- raise VAT and indirect taxes and to reduce corporate taxes to favour industrial recovery
The priority was to curb inflation and public deficit and after unemployment.
Monetarism: theory which rejects the aims of economic management proposed by Keynes.
- It aimed to keep inflation under control.
- Government's role is to control the money supply by restricting public investment and increasing rates.
The monetarism is based on the theory of Milton Friedman: If government restricted the money supply, inflation would fall
→ From 1979, the reduction of inflation was the Conservative government's main goal + Medium Term Financial Strategy: the government set annual targets for the rate of monetary growth over 4 year.
- £ still remained high
- Inflation fall = supply increase
Classical economy - Laissez faire: against Keynesian thinking.
Thatcher favour this economic and their support for monetarism justify it. The aim was:
- to reduce government spending and borrowing
- to provide the conditions in which the market could regulate itself
Government should play a minimal role in economic management for free market solutions → Free market policy with cycles of growth and slump.
Free Market:
- No government interference in the working of the economy
- Prices is decided by the demands of consumers
Disadvantages: distribution of wealthiest
Planned economy:
- controlled fully by the government, they fixed the prices
Disadvantages: lack of incentive to work, less international trade and inefficiency
Mixed economy:
- not entirely free or planned, both systems → mix of private and public sector organisation
Socialist economy: redistribution of health to the poor → Keynes: it discourages initiatives.