Comprehension écrite en anglais sur Madonna
Par Christopher • 4 Octobre 2018 • 670 Mots (3 Pages) • 484 Vues
others persons about her opinions, her décisions etc.
8.List the arguments of the different actors as regards Madonna’s wish to adopt Mercy. Indicate (between brackets) the actor’s name:
Arguments for Arguments against
-We don’t know if Kambewa is the father (said by Liz Rosenberg)
-Mercy has been in an orphanage since the day she was born (said Liz Rosenberg)
- Kambewa is just an opportunist (said by Baneti)
-How can he claim is the father when he hasn’t been around all this time ? (said by Beneti)
-Madonna have actually a son who come to an orphanage (said by the journalist who write the article)
-Kambewa think he have what it takes to raise a daughter (said by Kambewa)
-Mercy need to grow as a Malawian as well whith their culture (said by Kambewa)
9. In your opinion, whose side does the journalist take ? Why ?
The journalist may take the side of Madonna because we don’t have to forget that the little Mercy is in an orphanage and she will have a best life if she isn’t in poverty. I think a father who have his daughter in an orphanage and who have never seen her is not a good father. Add to this the fact that she can be interested in her culture even if she don‘t grew up in her country and you know whose side take.