Devoir 1 BTS AG CNED.
Par Andrea • 26 Avril 2018 • 1 144 Mots (5 Pages) • 1 012 Vues
la récession qui a fait chuter les prix.
En janvier, après avoir reçu des plaintes pendant des mois, la société décide enfin d’annuler l’augmentation des frais de maintenance ce qui a contribuer à regagner la confiance de ses salariés. Et pour regagner aussi la confiance de ses clients, elle a fait appel à deux nouveaux collaborateurs, un responsable des ventes et un responsable du développement produit.
Mais le fait d’avoir 3 responsables en collaboration dans une seule entreprise est remis en question.
En conclusion, M. Plattner qui aurait sans doute dû porter les blâmes (en individuel) autant que son prédécesseur M. Apotheker, indique qu’ils ont fait une erreur mais qu’il ne pense pas justifié de faire porter les blâmes sur les responsables.
Je trouve cet article très intéressant d’un point de vu rédactionnel, les informations données sont bien ordonnées pour comprendre aisément la situation. Sur l’article lui-même, l’essentiel des informations données sur la société SAP sont là et permettent au lecteur de se faire un jugement sur la situation. Je pense donc que la société SAP, si elle avait su gérer ses équipes et proposer aux clients des offres avantageuses, elle serait aujourd’hui une multinational dans un domaine en constante croissance. Mais en augmentant les frais, elle n’a pas su être compétitive et elle a perdu la confiance de ses équipes en internes ce qui a sans doute eu un impact commercial important.
Entraînement à l’épreuve
Courrier en anglais
(en-tête à insérer + date)
Subject : Director’s assistant bilingual English/Chinese ( Friday’s Guardian / NO/DE 1603)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I have learned, by reading the Friday’s Guardian, about your need for a director’s assistant. I am more than interested in this position, and believe that my education and employment background are appropriate for the position.
I am looking for a permanent position, preferably abroad that would match my skills and professioannal experience.
I have just completed my studies and obtained my two-year BTS AG de PME-PMI diploma. In the past few years, I obtained advanced certifications in English and Chinese. In order to improve my computing skills, I took an advanced course in Micro-computing for the office during my last summer holiday.
I look forward to meeting you. I will contact you to confirm that you received my application and to answer any questions you may have.
Thank you, in advance, for your consideration.
Entraînement à l’épreuve
Restitution écrite en anglais
This document is an audio recording of an English radio program called Mida’s Touch witch discusses about people’s new ideas.
They are interviewing Bill Galway, who is the managing director of Sport’s Spirit, a medium sized English company manufacturing sportswear. Their research department has just devised a new marketing concept that consists in personalizing sportswear with the signatures of well-known sports personalities.
He is being interviewed by Marie on how he is going to launch the new concept. Marie asks him what media he is going to use to advertize this new concept. It won’t be through TV as it’s too expensive and people are fed up of TV breaks, they just zap.
He will use radio as it’s much cheaper and people listen a lot to the radio: at home, in their car and thanks to mp3 players, mostly everywhere. In addition, they can’t easily zap while they are driving their car.
What he tells us is he’s going to use billboards too, and he is ready to pay the price for artists to design the campaign because this company is concerned about the environment and wouldn’t like to cause billboards eyesore.
We are then told that the Internet is the cheapest and best way to promote the product as young people are always on it.
I think this new concept is a brilliant idea, young people try to look like the personalities they follow. They will be very pleased with the product this company offers. I think the company was right to choose the radio and billboards to promote the product but i think the Internet is really the best as we are told : young people use it all the time and it’s cheap. As to billboards, I think the graphics must be very nice to catch young people’s attention. As a young person, I can say that billboards don’t affect me that much if the graphics are not "catchy".