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Anglais birth control

Par   •  13 Octobre 2018  •  4 171 Mots (17 Pages)  •  498 Vues

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That contraception helps the woman to know her body but she must be really careful and can’t be reckless or spontaneous during her fertile periods.

That’s why some hormonal emergency contraceptive were created. If behavior method or another method aren’t effective, we can use these differents methods:

Morning After Pill (plan B, Next choice, Plan B one-step) this pill stop the egg leave the ovary, to be fecond and attaching to the uterus lining. It’s effective during 3 days after the unprotected sexual or birth control failure.

For this method you don’t need to have a prescription. But it’s not a regular method birth control, it’s exceptionnel. Woman can have nausea, vomiting, fatigue and headache.

Ella (ulipristal acetate) this pill stop hormone to delay the ovaries and that optionally the egg fix on the uterus lining. It’s effective 5 days of having unprotected sex or birth control failure.

This method can be taken more later than other emergency hormonal contraception. But it requires a prescription, you can have headache,nausea, tummy pain, menstrual cramps. You must use only birth control methods without hormones (like condoms) for the next 5 days.

4th part: The barrier birth control (Amélie )

I’m Amélie and I will speak about barrier. In this topic, we can define the word barrier like methods that block the sperm from getting to the egg.

There are differents types of barrier:

- In first: the Diaphragm with spermicide: It’s a disk with sperm-killing jelly.

It lasts during 2 hours. For an ideal use, only 6% women are pregnancies.

The advantages are that is works immediately; No hormonal changes; It can be used several times; It can be fitted to your size.

The inconveniences are that it can cause irritations, allergic reactions, or infections. If this dispositive stays in the place more than 24 hours, it risks of toxic shock syndrome. I doesn’t protect against the STD.

- Then: Male condom and Female condom: Their role is to prevent/stop sperm to go in vagina and fecundation so.

About male condom, with an ideal use, only 2% of women are pregnant.

About Female condom, with an ideal use, only 5% of women are pregnant. These numbers show that the condoms have a good efficacy.

Advantages: it’s a protection against the STD. There are no hormonal changes. For the Male condom we can get it easily. Latex condoms are the best protection against STDs other than abstinence.

Inconveniences: The female condoms aren’t easy to find and they cost more than the Male condom.

- Spermicide it’s a substance like a cream, a jelly, to apply into the vagina to sperm killing.

The effects are very alert. They doesn’t protect against the STD.

Spermicides are easy to insert and it lubricates vagina, however they may cause irritations, allergic reactions and infections.

- Sponge with spermicide: its disk of foam impregnated with a spermicide to put into the vagina. He lasts 24 hours.

He works immediately, but he doesn’t protect against STD, it can be difficult to remove from the vagina and it can cause irritations or allergic reactions.

- Finally, the cervical cap with spermicide: It’s a cup with spermicide.

17 to 23 in 100 women frequently use these protections.

The advantages are: It’s smaller and uses less spermicide than a diaphragm. It’s reusable.

The inconvenient are: It’s may not fit well for women who’ve had a baby and can cause irritations, allergic reactions.


To conclude, you have a lot of choices and different types of birth control.

You can talk about it With a doctor, nurse midwife and they can help you to choose the ideally method for you.

So you have more choice for hormonal contraception , less for behaviour contraception.

We see an évolution of the birth control ,the oldest method is the behaviour method and youngest is the hormonal method.

The most used is the pill, progestin IUD, the implantable rod and condom are the most secure ones.

You can add different types of birth control to protect yourself against sexualy transmitted disease (STD) and control when you want to have a baby.

Our Opinion

We realized that women have the chance to choose their birth control and have the possibility to choose the moment when they want to have a baby.

In this article, we can see different contraceptives methods, and the better are the progestin IUD and the implant.

But for our group, we think the condoms are easier, accessible for all people. We can have it without prescription and it protects against the Sexualy Transmitted Disease.

The Article :

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