Architecture case study
Par Stella0400 • 3 Décembre 2018 • 771 Mots (4 Pages) • 695 Vues
As a final note, you don’t need to research the company and its history for a comprehensive
answer. That is, the answer should be based on For this question, you need to demonstrate your understanding of the JCF (John Crane
Flexibox) case, in particular analysing and evaluating the JCF case in light of the academic
In relation to academic literature, you need to read and understand, and then accurately
cite and reference, especially (but not only) the relevant readings you have been provided.
In particular, the best answers would show a clear focus on the detail of the JCF case and
use concepts, theories and evidence drawn from a reading of relevant journals and texts (in
particular the ones provided in lectures and classes) to evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of this company’s approach to downsizing. These answers would fully address
the question of whether this company practised fair and equitable downsizing.
In other words, you should explore and analyse the details of the process of managing
downsizing at JCF, presenting a properly structured and coherent mini-essay, showing a
clear grasp of the detail of the JCF case and using the relevant literature to analyse what
was happening in the case study.
As a final note, you don’t need to research the company and its history for a comprehensive
answer. That is, the answer should be based onFor this question, you need to demonstrate your understanding of the JCF (John Crane
Flexibox) case, in particular analysing and evaluating the JCF case in light of the academic
In relation to academic literature, you need to read and understand, and then accurately
cite and reference, especially (but not only) the relevant readings you have been provided.
In particular, the best answers would show a clear focus on the detail of the JCF case and
use concepts, theories and evidence drawn from a reading of relevant journals and texts (in
particular the ones provided in lectures and classes) to evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of this company’s approach to downsizing. These answers would fully address
the question of whether this company practised fair and equitable downsizing.
In other words, you should explore and analyse the details of the process of managing
downsizing at JCF, presenting a properly structured and coherent mini-essay, showing a
clear grasp of the detail of the JCF case and using the relevant literature to analyse what
was happening in the case study.
As a final note, you don’t need to research the company and its history for a comprehensive
answer. That is, the answer should be based onvfhgggggggggn ,ns g.k a.kgak gkjaer ga df gaeljg a,engl/aje gakerg tngo b oirng q;lefn a;lngnakdfj gjaerg kr vxkdnf jd djd f fvnfnfjf fiff skdkdnnskse dfv fkdndjfbfn fuck you give me that essay vjb nnfjjf fififi fififif fi fofjns BE 433 – Human Resource Management Coursework 2
Question 1: The case study on John Crane Flexibox (Mitchell, 2000) describes a complex process of transformation including downsizing. Identify and assess the key strengths and key weaknesses of the approach to downsizing and its implementation at John Crane Flexibox.
John Crane Flexibox, was the result of a corporate takeover in 1998 when EIS Plc, the parent company of Flexibox were taken over TI Group Plc. The aim of this takeover was to increase their market share, quality and reputation as a company. (Mitchell L., 2000) John Crane Flexibox (JCF) began experiencing decreasing sales after the takeover, so in an attempt to reduce costs and increase their efficiency they company began a transformation process that included a lot of downsizing. This essay will evaluate and analyse the approach that JCF took to downsizing, in relation to the relevant readings given in the lectures and classes.
Downsizing can be described as a reduction in the overall size and costs of a business by reducing number of employees. An advantage of downsizing is that it acts as a ‘cost saving performance in times of tight market orders’ (Luan et al., 2013), hence why management at JCF decided to use this particular method. I think that one of the obvious strengths of downsizing the company was that they were able to restructure the business effectively, with the new organisational structure showing a ‘clear definition of responsibilities, minimizing confusion over the specific function of each team, department and director’ (Mitchell, L, 2000, pp.7). Reducing the amount of staff helped JCF remove any overlap of work/production which helps to reduce costs and improve communication through a newer, clearer organisational structure. For some organisational theorists, downsizing is seen as the natural path in order to develop a business enterprise and enhance organisational structure (Butler et al., 2009) which is exactly what it has done for JCF.
Some argue that downsizing has only a 50‐50 chance of reducing costs and that any alternative methods are usually the better option (Hornstein, H. 2009) it seems that it was the best and only option for JCF, as stated in the case study ‘in order to achieve the desired level of cost reduction, there would need to be a reduction in headcount’ (Mitchell, 2000 pp.4) which emphasises the fact that downsizing was an effective tool in terms of cost reduction for JCF. The JCF HR department did try to implement a system of communication in which team leaders had to ‘explain the current market position, giving details of all the action which had been taken in the attempt to increase orders and / or reduce costs’ (Mitchell, 2000. Pp.5) as well as management having meetings with staff representatives to explain which areas would be affected by the downsizing. It would seem that the downsizing, communication-wise,