Cirque du soleil : case study debriefing
Par Andrea • 12 Novembre 2018 • 1 168 Mots (5 Pages) • 572 Vues
→ brand equity management
Value of it: 3,5 BILLIONS
→ Brand attract employees and shareholders
People come to work at circles because of their values, people sunstanability
As the Sheikh over value or undervalue the values (7OOM$) of the company?
Why 700M?
Total world revenue of Cirques
Market Cap. / Revenues = multiple
→ 5 times the world revenues
Market Cap: Share price* N° of share outstanding
→ It has been over estimated
evaluate a company: discounted cash flow analysis
Value of 20% Stake: 544 $US
So, what is expected in return?
Cirque Prospects for profits:
Why should I over-paid for 20%?
Will I be satisfied with my devidences?
We are going to make profit with the new show so we will redistribuate it
S. AL M. should be satisfied.
→ It is totally absurd according to the number (R. worlds ROIC: 1,26%) He will have to wait so many year to have is money back (700M$)
What is the hidden motivations?
Anticipation speculation
Benchmark the value of the share on revenue wich are growing 11% if he speculates its gonna take 5 years to have 1 087M$ thanks to the other show in the other market and the growing evolution.
Interest rate with a bank
I= (FV/PV)-1
You need a interest rate of 9%
So you have to find a bank which propose this interest rate.
(1087/700) / (1+0,023) = 19,4
How many years do we wait?
19 years
Cost of equity?
Control decision that youre making to be sure what it pkanned works
Voting rights/ volume rights
Cost of the equity is accountability
What does it change if you buy 20% of the share at 544$ or if I over value and I pay 700M$
Value of 20% Stake ($M) Voting rights
544 20%
700 26% → blocking minority → to be able to oppose marketing decision/operational decision
→ Strong argument to criticise blue ocean
Guy Laliberté sells, he gives the blocking minority. For him business is a game so he took the risk.
They went to Macau, cirque lost 12,6 M$ for 3 consecutives years
Revenues CA 21 842 800
Operating Income:
Tokyo: They lost 10,7M for 3 consecutives years
They thought about a world tour for 3 years
Number of world arena 122
471 268 082M Target
They thought to make a show on Jackson but then he died.
Guy Laliberté make a space trip to create a buzz around him (35M$)
→ take pictures and make a book
Dubai had a debt of 60B$ and no cash to refund
Dubai selling his assets
That’s why we never seen a cirque in Dubai
Who buys back the share ? No one because he had speculated so much
So if you have a shareholder with pressure, no cash, and asset no assets want to buy
Only option: Plan social – Lay off??
→ stop all the show in Japan and Macau (after 3years)
→ they stopped some show in USA (a year after the lay off??)
→ Montreal: 400 people will be lay off too
DECISION: Buy back the shares (half of the stick for 450M$)
They go bankrupt
Cirque’s debts crisis: Total outstanding payments: 744,5 $US
Bank overdraft: 376,8$US
Guy Laliberté: 10%
Caisse de dépôt du Québec: 10%
Cirque new business model:
(fond d’investissement)
Not resident show anymore (only USA)
Touring show (++++)
Cirque performs in very small theatre (bateau, croisière)
Shareholder of Club Med
Who is in blue ocean? Franco Dragone (trailer on YouTube)