- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires

Strategy summit.

Par   •  21 Juin 2018  •  4 887 Mots (20 Pages)  •  454 Vues

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Completing the questionnaire by this date is critical because my time is at a premium during the two weeks before the event and I want to ensure I spend quality time with your questionnaire and have time to ponder possible strategic scenarios for your business.

PPS: If you are a home study participant, this questionnaire is an essential part of the home study course. To be able engineer your own Marketing SuperStrategy and command/field strategies, I recommend using the questionnaire in this manner:

- First, fill out the questionnaire right now, BEFORE listening to the tapes.

- Then, listen the entire series of tapes and CDs. Pay special attention to all 30 marketing strategy makeovers I performed at the actual event. Take copious notes, and look for possible strategies which you can import, adapt or adopt. The creatively think outside the box and create your own hybrids based upon your unique circumstances. Be creative don’t stop at just four or five.

- Then settle on the best, most actionable, most revenue producing SuperStrategy and command/field strategies. List them and describe them in detail.

- Finally, fill out the questionnaire AGAIN. Yes, go back and complete the questionnaire again and become particularly aware of the strategic changes which you’ve devised and how it impacts each question.

Note: You’ll begin to notice how your mindset will reorient itself to answer each question strategically, instead of tactically. Your answer will be a strategic answer. You’ll begin to appreciate your new mindset and how you’ve begin to view your business, resources and marketplace strategically instead of only tactically. Trust me, this alone will you get five to fifty times more results out of every thing you do. Count on it.


Part 1 – General Company Information

1. Name and title of person completing questionnaire:

2. What is the phone #(s) you can be reached at:

3. What email address can you be reached at:

4. Name of Company:

5. Address(es)/Locations:

6. Website URL(s):

7. Describe your company. Be as descriptive as you can.

8. Describe your marketplace. Be as descriptive as you can.

9. Describe your customers and clients. Be as descriptive as you can.

10. Describe your product and services. Be as descriptive as you can.

11. Describe your competition. Be as descriptive as you can.

12. Describe your current strategy. Be as descriptive as you can.

13. Describe your management. Be as descriptive as you can.

14. Describe your organization. Be as descriptive as you can.

15. Describe your current marketing. Be as descriptive as you can.

16. Describe your current sales management and process. Be as descriptive as you can.

17. Describe your production or operational processes. Be as descriptive as you can.

18. Describe your people. Be as descriptive as you can.

19. Describe your systems. Be as descriptive as you can.

20. Describe your intellectual property. Be as descriptive as you can.

21. Describe your information and technology resources. Be as descriptive as you can.

22. Describe your financial tracking or cost accounting. Be as descriptive as you can.

23. Describe your marketplace. Be as descriptive as you can.

24. Describe your company culture (i.e. professional, casual, service oriented, MBA managerial, administrative, sales oriented, family oriented, technical, start up, etc.)

25. List your last five year's sales - gross sales and approximate profits (pre-tax) by profit center.

26. Indicate all costs of sales.

27. List all overhead factors, showing breakdowns of what the overhead includes.

28. Describe your overall company's infrastructure, including:



Field Service

Customer Service


29. Number of people employed.

30. Various key job descriptions and responsibilities.

31. Describe all the different products and services you sell.

32. How many active customers do you have?

33. Exactly what kind of data do you have on them? Include all the categories of everything you know about your customers including: names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, type of businesses, location, what and when they have bought, how you attracted them, the last date of contact with them, etc. Note: I do not want the “specific” information such the actual names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc.

34. Selling infrastructure:

Describe your sales force.

Who does what?

How they are paid?

What are their average income levels?

35. Do you utilize manufacturer’s reps?

36. Do you have inside sales people?

37. Do you use creative advertising, marketing, or advisory services?

38. If so, who do you use? Describe what


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