Women in muslims culture
Par Orhan • 21 Octobre 2017 • 1 273 Mots (6 Pages) • 782 Vues
became one of the first important causes for them. Some organizations have made declaration in which they said that Muslim women should ''enjoy the same human rights as those guaranteed under International Human Rights legislation. '' ( Middle East Quarterly, 83-84)
Cultural change have been stimulated by gender inequality. Indeed, as judges and other important roles are accessible to only men, laws were not fair for women. Seen only as housewife or mother, they could not experiment their full potential in the society. Since education was not an option for them, they were not able to acquire a respective job and be independent, in fact, they were protected by men and lived under their rules. The changes that are made to improve Muslim women's condition in Islamic cultures are not being done by outsiders imposing their ideas. Muslim women themselves, have created non-governmental organization to help them have a voice. They also created political parties to be able to enter in that political men's life. Some organizations have indeed declared some laws about women to protect them, these are similar to international laws about human's right. We may say that globalization have had an impact because Muslim women got inspired by other human rights that were not in the Islamic laws. Some
outsiders did help Muslim women, but they were Muslim women also, that had immigrated in another country like the United States.
In conclusion, the causes that are due to women's oppression regarding their rights and education are cultural for the fact that they are seen as housewife and their role was to raise children and take care of the house. Religion comes into account because Islamic laws are interpreted according to religion, in which is clearly written in the Koran that women are inferior to men, morally, physically and intellectually. Education was then prohibited for women and so they could not get a respective job. Without education, there was absolutely no chance for their status to improve. That is the reason why they are creating and leading organizations and political parties. To change their conditions. As we may know, their conditions had change for the better. They are not completely equal in terms of citizenship with men, but they are able to go to school and get an education. Of course, as long as they will fight for their rights, their status will change for the better. But we do have to take in fact that not all Islamic countries are the same. For example, in Morocco, women are for the most, equal to men. If they withdraw religion of their laws, then maybe women will be entirely equal to men.
Cherif, Feryal M. " Culture, Rights, and Norms : Women's Rights Reform in Muslim Countries." Journal of Politics Vol. 72 Issue 4 (2010) 1144-1160
Natana J. DeLong-Bas, Women, Islam and the Twenty-first Century, 2014
The Middle East Quarterly, The Rights of Muslim Women, December (1997) 83-84
Valentine M. Moghadam, Modernizing Women: Gender and Social Change in The Middle East, Lynne Rienner Publishers , (2003)