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Working trends

Par   •  28 Novembre 2018  •  885 Mots (4 Pages)  •  463 Vues

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- The energy sector

The UK has large coal (le charbon), natural gas and oil reserves. Primary energy production accounts for 10% of GDP, one of the highest shares of any industrial nation.

- BP, a British Oil Company

BP was founded in 1909; 115 000 employees in 2006; 291bn $ turnover in 2007. (Aberdeen ++)

- UK Manufacturing

Despite the decline since the 1970s, when manufacturing contributed 25% of UK GDP, the UK is currently the 11th largest manufacturing nation in the world.

Overall, the UK’s industrial sector has increased by 1.4% a year since 1948(ONS).

UK Manufacturing employs 2.6 million people, accounts for 44% of total exports, represents 69% of R&D (business research and development), provides 15% of business investment (2013).

- Main manufacturing industries

- British aerospace

- Automotive sector

- Chemicals and pharmaceuticals

- Construction

- Steel

- Textile

- The automotive sector

Land Rover, Bentley, Jaguar, Rolls Royce

- Five facts about... the UK service sector

79 % of the British GDP came from the service sector in 2013.

The percentage of workers in the service sector rose from 33% in 1841 to 80% in 2011. There has been a marked postwar shift in economic power from manufacturing to services.

The service sector dominates London’s economy. 91% of London’s economy is in this sector, higher than all other areas of the UK.

The UK’s economy is more reliant on the service sector than any other G7 country.

The service sector has driven the economic recovery since the downturn in 2008.

- The city

London has been the financial hub of Great Britain and a major trade and business centre since the Middle Ages. Today the city competes with New York City for the status of the world’s major financial centre.

The City is also colloquially known as the Square Mile, as it is 1.12 sq mi in area (2.90 km²). Both of these terms are often used as metonyms for the UK’s trading and financial services industries.

It is estimated that the financial services sector employs over 315,000 people within the City.

Apart from traditional banking activities and insurance, London also thrives as a centre for foreign exchange and bond trading.

The foreign exchange market has a daily global turnover of about 2.5 trillion GBP. London accounts for 36.5 percent of the pie.

- Major Institutions in the City

- Bank of England (established in 1694)

- London Stock Exchange (established in 1801)

- Lloyd’s of London (revenues of about £43.5 billion)

- HSBC (7500 strong offices in 87 countries)

- Barclays (revenues of more than £9.8 billion)


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