- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires

Etude de cas RH

Par   •  21 Juin 2018  •  3 208 Mots (13 Pages)  •  639 Vues

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This is really a selection process because among several applicants who have approximatively the same competencies, just one will be retain for a job.


TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT (Benjamin L’Hermitte 6850399)


Definition and Issues of training and development

Training and development is “any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employee’s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee’s attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge” (HR Wale 2012).

There is a difference between training & development (also refer to appendix 1):[pic 6]

Moreover, training respects the following process:

[pic 7]

Source: Beardwell & Claydon 2010

Finally, the needs for training and development are determined by the lack of skills of the existing employees. It is necessary to improve the performance of the company and to keep a competitive advantage. The employees are one of the most important core competencies of a company; that is why training and development is so important.


In the Melrose Case

Let’s analyse the skills of Melrose’s French and UK employees required for the good performance of the new organisation.

Needs of Skills for Melrose’s Employees

[pic 8]


The training will be divided in two parts, one on the pre-departure and the other on the job.

Firstly, the pre-departure training about the managers: a pre-departure training about the French law and the French Hotel collective agreement could be set up. Besides, a first training in order to acquire the basis of the French language could be also set up. Then, those trainings will be assessed. The success of the different assessments will have to be a requirement for the departure for France.

In the same mindset than the managers, the other employees will have to be trained in French language. Moreover, they could have also a first training about the French customers’ relationship and the life skills in the French hospitality tradition. Such as managers, their successful assessment will be needed for their departure.

The second part is the training on-the-job in France concerning three kinds of employees: new French employees, UK employees and UK managers.

Firstly, concerning the French employees, Melrose could build a training centre (one for all the country) and centralize its training for every new French employee. After their recruitment and before they start working, all the new French employee should be trained in this centre about the Melrose values, and about how the company usually works (fixtures, fittings, maintenance, cleaning…). After an assessment at the end of the training, a mentor of UK employees could be attributed for several French employees on their first working day, in order to advice them.

Secondly, concerning the UK employees, they could enjoy some degree of discretion. Indeed, the company that they know well, works thanks to them. However, they have to know and satisfy French customers. So their progress could be followed by an intern consultant (professional of the French Hospitality) or a manager. Besides, their result will be evaluated by a questionnaire about customers’ satisfaction.

Then, about the managers, a consultant could be hired for marketing advice as well as advices for all the aspect about the French hospitality law (the same professional consultant of French hospitality who follow the employees). Thus, they could focus on the customers’ satisfaction and on the competitors study. Their results could be assessed by a monthly meeting with a superior at the UK headquarter.

Finally, concerning the language skills, all the employees have to speak English (French employees) or French (UK employees) fluently. In this goal, an examination centre could be included in the central training centre (the same place where the French employees are trained before working). The employees could prepare and take an English (for French people) and French (for UK people) certification: the TOEFL and the TFI. Also, each hotel could include a self-training system with a small Computer-Based Training (CBT) for all employees in order to train for the language certification on their free-time. The CBT could also inform about all the questions concerning the Melrose values and how the company works, on the French custom… They could also consult the French collective agreement on hospitality.


Concerning the development, each employee should be followed and trained. A internal (manager or consultant for instance) or external coach could be attributed to each employees in order to define the SMART objectives, their goals, their skills to improve and establish a personal development plan which could support a possible future transversal evolution, or promotion.



REWARDING (Benjamin Desmules 6850344)



I think it’s important to know what is the reward management and the performance management before the application on the Melrose Hotel case. So, first, the reward management is concerned with the formulation and implementation of strategies and policies that aim to reward people fairly, equitably and consistently in accordance with their value to the organization”. (Business dictionary) This system is present to reward employee about their work, their motivation and their taking initiatives. Secondly, the performance management is “the process of creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities. Performance management is a whole work system that begins when a job is defined as needed. It ends when an employee leaves your organization.”(This is very different, this style management start to the job


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