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Etude de cas Lidl

Par   •  27 Novembre 2018  •  887 Mots (4 Pages)  •  546 Vues

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1976 : Harold Wilson's resigned as Prime Minister, and was replaced by James Callaghan. The Wilson and Callaghan governments of the 1970s tried to control inflation by a policy of wage restraint. This was fairly successful. However it led to increasingly strained relations between the government and the trade unions.

Losses during by-elections and the split of the Scottish Labour Party.

1977 : Callaghan does not control more than a minority to the House of Commons. Arrangement with David Steel, leader of the liberal Party, but this Lib-Lab Pact lasts only on one year. Afterward, the government negotiates with small parties as the national Scottish Party or the Plaid Cymru.In exchange, these nationalist parties ask for a devolvement of the power towards the Scotland and the Wales. Referendums take place in March, 1979: the Welsh voters reject the creation of an autonomous Assembly while Scot accept it of few but without reaching the 40 % quorum of the subscribers. When the government refuses to create the Scottish Assembly, the SNP removes its support for the government

1979 (March 28th) : The government Callaghan loses a vote of confidence in one vote and elections are summoned.

In the previous winter, important strikes had taken place (truck drivers, railroad employees, workers automobiles, agents of the local governments and the hospitals) in favour of pay rises, during what we called the " Winter of the Dissatisfaction ".

1979 : General elections, the Labour Party is undone by the conservatives managed by Margaret Thatcher.

3) Communication, exchanges between the employers and the employees. The employees are supported by a labor union and this one can act of several manners. We can see in the movie that Albert is a syndicalist who defends the women workers in the negotiations between the latter and the employers. The labor union can press of diverse manners. He can call a strike for example as we were able to see in the movie. If the negotiations between both parties do not move forward, the conflict can be managed by a bigger authority. So, in the movie, Barbara Castle, Labour Secretary of State who learnt the conflicts within the company was able to put an end to the conflict by making pass a law for the equality of salaries in the factory.

We can take for an other example of a social conflict, in 2015 in France, Air France announced a downsizing plan of 2900 employees. Following negotiations of the union activists had had violennts acts to leaders(managers) of Air France


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