Etude de cas EspritByNight
Par Orhan • 25 Octobre 2018 • 2 257 Mots (10 Pages) • 428 Vues
Seller Module
Sellers want a place where seller can sale their products at a higher price and get mx benefit out of that. This is the place where seller can display all this product and sell them.
Buyer Module
The people always want different things to purchase but in the local market they can have local product only. But in this application buyer can buy any products from any part of the world at a very competition price and own the product
Visitor Module
It’s nothing, but all the people who visit this application online they can know the information of all the product which are for sale under this application.
Expert Module
The role of the expert is to fix the price of all products, as it can also advise and send notifications to the interested clients and inform them of any news.
Security and Authentication
The security and authentication is as follows:
- Login as buyer or seller or Expert or admin
- Change password
- Forget Password
- Registration for buyer / seller / Expert
1.3. Identification of functional requirements:
This section describes the requirements that the site must meet informally. The features which is proposed to provide in our site are:
For the administrator:
- Manage user’s account
- Visualize new related to the state of an auction
- Authorize all the reclamations of users
- Updating news related to the state of an auction
For the seller:
- Log in
- Manage product (add, update, delete, consult)
- Manage account (banish(deactivate), consult, update)
- Manage notification (consult, delete)
- Notify Buyers by Newsletter
For the buyer:
- Log in
- Manage account (banish(deactivate), consult, update)
- Manage notification (consult, delete)
- Consult categories
- Buying product
- Consult sellers profile
- Consult expert profile
- Inviting friends
- Send complaints
For the expert:
- Log in
- Manage account (banish(deactivate), consult, update)
- Manage notification (consult, delete)
- Fixing price estimation
- Advising customers
- Inform interested clients when a new auction is launched
1.4. Identification of non-functional requirements:
All IT systems at some point in their lifecycle need to consider non-functional requirements. Our application will specially insist on these points:
- The access to our system should be secured with login and password.
- The system shall ensure data integrity.
- The system should follow the traceability of connections (IP, Date, linker).
- The system must be consistent with the standard encodings.
- The system shall be compatible with different platforms.
- The system should be able to run a task of user in a given time.
2.Methodology: Scrum
[pic 4]
Figure 2: Methodology Scrum
Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development framework for managing software projects and product or application development. Its focus is on “a flexible, holistic product development strategy where a development team works as a unit to reach a common goal” as opposed to a “traditional, sequential approach”.
We adopt the scrum method for the realization of our project. In this context, we will present the sprint0 where we discuss the specification of requirements, to better understand the needs of our system. We will define our future product backlog, functional and non-functional requirements, actors that aims to involve in the system, the class diagram and overall architecture.
3. Global analysis:
3.1 Modeling the case diagram overall utilization:
In the following figure, is introduced case diagram global Utilization to the development of this site.
[pic 5]
Figure 3: Global use case
3.2. Global analysis class diagram:
The class diagram below provides an overview of the target system by describing the objects and classes within the system and the relationships between them.
[pic 6]
Figure 4:Global analysis class diagram
The needs analysis, which gives a detailed understanding of these needs, the system imposes a structure that must maintain throughout its development. Thus, it allowed us to identify and clarify the needs of the different actors acting with the system.
Chapter 2:
The architecture of the application
Since this application is distributed over different platforms (web and desktop) we had to think of an architecture