The Prime Minister
Par Plum05 • 13 Novembre 2018 • 1 843 Mots (8 Pages) • 471 Vues
En tant que chef du gouvernement britannique, le Premier ministre :
- supervise le fonctionnement de la fonction publique et des organismes gouvernementaux
- nomme des membres du gouvernement
- est le principal personnage du gouvernement à la Chambre des communes
Dans la théorie constitutionnelle, le cabinet est le principal organe de l'exécutif britannique, le plus haut forum de prise de décision.
Le gouvernement du Cabinet est l'un des principaux principes constitutionnels du système politique britannique.
Il a trois caractéristiques centrales :
- Le cabinet « fusionne » les branches exécutives et législatives du gouvernement en tant que membres de ses membres, qui dirigent les ministères, mais qui sont également responsables du Parlement.
- Le cabinet est l'organe exécutif principal.
Il contrôle le processus d'élaboration des politiques et prend toutes les décisions importantes du gouvernement.
- Dans le cadre de la politique du Cabinet, il est fait de façon démocratique avec chaque point de vue des membres portant un poids égal.
Le rôle clé du cabinet moderne est de faire en sorte que les ministres sachent ce qui se passe dans d'autres ministères et contribue à concilier les responsabilités des ministres dans leurs compartiments individuels et leurs responsabilités en tant que gouvernement
The Prime minister is the single most important figure in he UK political system. He or she is the UK’s chief executive.
Until the 1980’s, the post of PM had little official recognition.
The person who held the post was the first lord of the treasury.
- Who becomes the PM ? What role does the PM play ?
To become the PM, a politician must fulfill 3 qualifications :
- Be deputy
- Be a party leader
- His or her party usually has majority control of the House of Commons
- Who is the Prime minister, Theresa May ?
Theresa May is the Member of Parliament for Maidenhead and, in July 2016, became British’s Prime minister.
Is the second woman to hold both positions, the first being Margaret Thatcher.
She entered Parliament in 1997 and under Prime minister Davide Cameron was the longuest-serving Home secretary in 50 years.
- Leadership election
On 30 June 2016, Theresa May announced candidacy fot the leadership of the Conservative Party to replace David Cameron, who resigned following the outcome of the European Union membership referendum in which 52% of voters voted in favour of leaving the EU.
- British Prime minister
The Prime minister is head of the UK Governement. He is responsible for the policy and decisions of the governement.
As head of the UK Governement the Primer minister also :
- Oversees the operations of the Civil service and governement agencies
- Appoints members of the Governement
- Is the principal Governement figure in the House of Commons
- Minister for the Civil Service
The Minister for the Civil Service is responsible for regulating the Civil Service.
The Civil Service Act of 1992, allows the Minister for the Civil Service to delegate power to other minister and devolved administrations.
This role was created in 1968.
- First Lord of the Treasury
The First Lord of the Treasury is one of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury who has most of the functional financial responsabilities.
The executive is the branch of governement that is responsible for the implementation of laws and polices made by parliament.
It is the chief source of political learship and controls the policy process.
The executive branch extends from the PM (The head of governement and the chair of the Cabinet) to members og the police and military.
Cabinet Governement[pic 5]
Prime Minister Governement[pic 6]
4 Main Theories Presidentialism[pic 7][pic 8]
Core Executive
Because of the nature of the United Kingdom's constitution, which is composed of a multitude of ordinary laws and conventions, the function and powers of the Prime Minister are not defined by a specific text derived more from a historical evolution.
The Prime Minister's relations with the monarch, parliament and Cabinet are defined by unwritten constitutional conventions.
Thus, the Queen chooses as prime minister the leader of a political party or a coalition that has the confidence of the House of Commons, which is the lower house of Parliament
The role of the PM has been developed over time and has been shaped by pratical circumstances.
The traditional view of the PM was defined by Walter Bagehot as « primus inter pares » which means « premier parmi les