International commerce
Par Ramy • 13 Octobre 2018 • 1 113 Mots (5 Pages) • 571 Vues
Moreover two approaches had been developed and they are adopted in selling goods internationally, pan-global marketing and global localisation.
The first one is Pan-global marketing which presents a strategy developed by Professor Theodore Levitt; it demands the total focus of the company on producing the same goods to all markets as if it is just one market. This approach is usually used by upmarket brands or luxury goods such as Rolls-Royce cars and Chanel.
The other one is global localisation which is developed by writers like Douglas and Wind. It’s mainly about standardization the products to enter the international market and it means that the product must suit the customer’s tastes and cultures. This strategy called also “thinking global-acting local”; it helps customers to feel more engaged and more familiar with the company. It requires of the company to adapt to each market, we find some products only in some countries because according to this strategy those products can only be sold in this place otherwise the company will lose the money invested. So, in simple words each market needs to understand the culture, religious and political impact it will have.
E-commerce involves the buying and selling of products online, in other terms, the internet is the place of interaction between the consumer and the business (B to C) or between the businesses ( B to B ).This form does not request the direct meeting of persons, it all happens on internet. It also helps to reduce the costs of promoting since that internet is available almost everywhere moreover it engages more customers in the process of buying, encourages them more to visit the website and even answer questions for developing the relationship between the parts.
Internet marketing has a big impact on the commerce; it allows the company to reach a big proportion of consumers. Nevertheless, the company must have a policy of returning goods because internet cannot guaranty the satisfaction of customers due to the impossibility of touching, feeling and smelling goods.
Internet provides nowadays customers with all kind of information about the product, which allows them to compare the price and the quality. So the internet had changed the way of selling product and had influenced the marketing mix (4P). Products can be searched and founded easily online with all information needed such as the features and the facts. Prices are no longer a problem since that the buyer is provided by all comparisons which refers that finally the customer has the power to find the best deal in a short time at a click of button. Thanks to Internet promotion had changed completely; for example few years ago we didn’t hear about placing banner advertisements on web pages or text messages marketing but today it is a common form of e-promotion. Sine that internet is the place of interaction between the customers and the business or between companies, so the place is no longer an issue but the real problem is ensuring the delivery of the product at the right time and place.
International marketing is very important to companies and internet had helped the development of the e-marketing concept, it provides consumer’s access to the company 24 hours a day 7 days a week. International companies hold an advantage on companies that are not international, for that international marketing had become a necessity and no longer an option.
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