Sujet d'anglais: pourquoi Martin Luther Kind est-il un example pour les afro américains?
Par Ninoka • 15 Avril 2018 • 964 Mots (4 Pages) • 737 Vues
The media impact of this victory brings Martin Luther King to found the SCLC (Southern Christian leaders conference) with other black personalities and became president. He decided to extend the struggle for black civil rights to all of the United States.
In 1963, he governs major campaigns for civil rights, blacks the right to vote, desegregation, better education. He was arrested several times. In his speech of 28 August 1963 "I have a dream", he appealed for a country in which all men share the same rights in justice and peace. The violence of the security forces and harassment segregationist generate a wave of sympathy in the public for the civil rights movement.
In 1964, King became the youngest to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Most of the rights for which he campaigned Acts are voted as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
After his success in the southern United States, Martin Luther King moved to Chicago in 1966 and seeks to expand the movement in the north. The events it organizes in Chicago is an even more violent reaction than in the south.
In 1967, he declared against the war in Vietnam, because for him the US "occupying the country as an American colony." It engages in the fight against poverty and organized the "Poor People's Campaign" to address economic justice issues.
Martin Luther King was assassinated by a white segregationist April 4, 1968 in Memphis while he supported a strike of garbage collectors.
True Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks is a lot of other people African Americans were much more right and freedom but today there is much fighting to do as the police violence against African Americans. Many people say that Barack Obama is the heir to Martin Luther King, becoming the 44th and the first African American to become President of the USA.
Martin Luther King thanks to its combat is an example for all African Americans and other people.
“I’d like to talk about Manchester United but there are so many things to say about it that I won't have the time, so I would like to talk his life in general.