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La campagne versus la ville

Par   •  25 Avril 2018  •  Discours  •  595 Mots (3 Pages)  •  549 Vues

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City versus country living

Country side is cheaper than cities

Mr chairperson, worthy opponents, fellow classmates: We of the country living believe that living in the country is more advantageous than city. Effectively, it is also cheaper than cities.

First of all, the urban exodus phenomenon in France is expanding. According to a study of Ipsos, 34 % of the city-dwellers, that is about 7 million people, declare to intend to settle down in the countryside, because they are town-wearied and want to reconnect with nature. I am going to explain to you why.

To begin with, in the country side, meals cost almost nothing even good ones. No one has a clue or cares what brand of clothing you're wearing, or if it is from the latest trend. And did I mention housing? You can live in a real house with multiple bedrooms, bathrooms and a garage, maybe even a pool, for the same price as a cramped flat in the city center.

But these are just a few examples which have no value within specific justifications and proofs.

The Insee published a study calculating the price difference between the Paris region and the province to 8,8 %. Even if this gap is partially understandable by the differences of cost of the accommodation, the consumer habits play also a big part of this gap. Let me explain:

Many Parisians hope one day to leave the capital and savor the province’s quality of life. In 2012, a study made by CSA showed that 54 % of the Ile-de-France’s inhabitants wished for it.

Another significant point is that it is necessary to recognize that living in the province is more economic. The national Institute of statistics has calculated that the prices are, as a general rule, higher 8,8 % in the capital than in province. To obtain this figure, the Insee did not skimp. Indeed, the investigation required to raise not less than 90.000 prices almost everywhere in France.

In addition, the Insee considers that a Parisian who would decide to go and live in province without changing his habits would save 7,8 % on his annual budget of consumption. On the contrary, the Provincial which would move to the capital without modifying anything in his lifestyle would be, him, obliged to increase his 9,2 % budget.

To detail this figure, it is necessary to know that a third of this gap is due to the rent where the difference is on average more than 48 % (for two identical apartments in Paris region and in province)! The difference is a little lower as for the other spending of accommodation (electricity, maintenance, garbage, gas, repair): it represents 6%. Furthermore, healthcare costs remain a domain where the gap is also considerable. If the total amount is only 6,5 %, it is misleading. Indeed, there is only not much difference on the medicine’s price, with a 0,9% rate, while on the


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