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Is the UK still a United Kingdom?

Par   •  28 Mai 2018  •  1 349 Mots (6 Pages)  •  692 Vues

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More recently the Brexit woke debates about the political unity of the country. In fact, the 24th June of 2016, 52 pour cent of the British people had voted in favour to leave the European Union. But if Wales, England, and Northern Ireland voted to leave UE. Scotland had voted in a majority to remain. This vote restored the debate about the unity. In fact, some people have questioned the legitimacy of the political affiliation of Scotland in UK. Through this examples of actuality, we can clearly observe that UK can’t be considered as a “united kingdom”.

But these examples are not the only one. In fact, some elements show the cultural division in the country. For example, the sport, indeed the United Kingdom is not represented in some sports such as football or rugby. There is an English team, a Scottish team, a Welsh team but not a Britannic team. This example looks a details but it shows clearly the division and the inability to be united around the British flag.

This quote from Georges VI, the king of British empire from 1936 until 1952, shows the particularity of the British political system. In fact, UK has a particular form indeed it’s neither a centralized state nor a federal state. Because UK has a powerful central parliament situated in Westminster in London. Nevertheless, the country is not completely unified because it is composed of culturally territory, each dispute other but don’t seem to want to be unite, not independent but with some individual powers theses territory are: Wales, England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

If for Georges VI all the territory are united by the allegiance to the same crown, actually this notion is one of the most important topic of debates in the country

We can also may wonder if UK still united kingdom ?

If the country was unified by history (I), today UK has some difficulties to keep the national unity (II)

This quote from Georges 6, the King of UK from 1936 until 1952, shows the particularity of the British political system. In fact,

United Kingdom is a country of a particular form indeed this country is neither a federal state nor a centralized state. Because the UK has centralized power with a powerful central parliament in London (house of commons). Nevertheless, the country is not completely unitary because it is composed of culturally territory dispute each other and do not seem to want to unite. The United Kingdom is composed of 4 territories not independent but with some individual powers: Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and England. A common mistake is to confuse England with UK because England is the richest and most influential district of UK.

But if for Georges VI all the British district are united around the crown this notion is actually an important topic of tensions in some districts such as Scotland.

In fact, we also may wonder if UK still a United Kingdom?

If UK is a unified country by the history (I), today some elements shows that UK has some difficulties to keep the national unity (II).

As UK has no written constitution in the usual sense, constitutional terminology is fraught with difficulties of interpretation, and its common usage nowadays to describe the four parts of UK () as “countries”

The British empire has advanced to a new conception of autonomy and freedom, to the idea of a system of British Nations, each freely ordering its own individual life, but bound together in unity by allegiance to one crown, and co-operating in all that concerns the commonweal.


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