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What is the Bexit?

Par   •  17 Septembre 2018  •  849 Mots (4 Pages)  •  613 Vues

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At the moment, the new Prime Minister Theresa May leads the discussions on her country's exit from the Union in front of a team of negotiators representing the EU

The United Kingdom is therefore preparing to leave the European Union - a process that could take two years to negotiate new agreements with the EU

Moreover On October the 2nd 2016, Theresa May announced that the UK would activate the Article 50 "by the end of March 2017", which will mark the starting point for negotiations leading to the EU's exit. Nearly a month later, on November the trird, the British High Court ruled unconstitutional any direct use of Article 50 by the government without a prior vote of the British Parliament. On 24 January 2017, the British Supreme Court upheld that decision. The British government must consult the Parliament of Westminster before launching the negotiations, but not the Scottish and Northern Irish regional parliaments. On February 8, the lower house of Parliament (House of Commons) gave its approval to trigger the article 50. The House of Lords gave its approval on february.

This is the first time a country has left the European Union, and the decision to leave the European Union is a democratic decision: it can not be changed. Even the queen cant do it.

So everything is not going to happen in one day. The timetable for the application of the Brexit stay unclear and the consequences are not yet very known and the effects of this vote are not and will not be immediate


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