- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires

Student information.

Par   •  2 Novembre 2017  •  799 Mots (4 Pages)  •  625 Vues

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3. The mentorship program

The Mentorship program is designed to support you during the preparation for the semi final. By this program, Henkel offers you the support of a Henkel business manager from your country. Direct contact to the business with strategic and practical advice can be very constructive and profitable for developing your ideas. The purpose of the mentorship shall be to emerge your strengths and to help you to turn you idea into a well-structured concept.

How it works?

1. The mentorship program will last 4 weeks.

- You have the possibility to contact your mentor 3 times during this phase to ask your questions.

- Your mentor can take up to 3 days to answer your questions.

- More frequent contacts are possible, according to mentors’ availabilities.

- This will be fixed by the mentor at the beginning of the phase.

2. You can interact with your mentor by e-mail, Skype, telephone and/or personal contact. Your mentor will let you know his preferred way, according with his/her availabilities.

3. You can ask almost any questions to your mentor to develop your projects and get to know Henkel better. Mentors will guide you with their experience but cannot tell you what to do and develop the project instead of you.

4. For the general questions (i.e. how to apply to Henkel), you can always contact the human resources department in your country.

4. The mentor’s role

Your personal mentor has been assigned the task to support you in developing your concept and prepare your 15-minute presentation for the semi final.

Your mentor:

- Guides you on how a successful product/technology development works.

- Gives insights into Henkel and its culture.

- Provides you with feedback on your innovation concept.

5. Further links

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