Histoire de la GB
Par Christopher • 4 Novembre 2018 • 5 402 Mots (22 Pages) • 454 Vues
In India and America, England had to oppose expansionism . In India Joseph Duplex strove to extripate the station of the british east India company. It succeeded until Robert Clive, seized Arcot (1721), reversed the trend. After the Battle of Plassey he conquered Bengual.
French were more sueccessfull in West America, France stride to appropriate all America. North and West of Appalachians mountains.
1753: french drove the english traders out of the Ohio valley and they erected a fort Duquesne.
1755: english expedition led by general Braddock was routed.
William Pitt banished french from the areas. Duquesne became Pittsburgh.
1759: Wolfe captured Quebec; Howke defeated the french fleet in Quebecan bay. Many french possession were seized in west Africa and west Indian archipelago by Britain.
Chapter VI : REIGN OF GEORGE III (1760-1820)
- George III and power:
He restored a royal power and did so parliament corruption. He recovered the power of the crown. He set up to abolish the parties and another to build up his own party and he was known as 'King's friend'. The prime minister became an instrument of the king. The cabinet was reduce to a group of the king's servants and it was based on family connexion. The king was rebuffed by John Wilkes who was a member of parliament during a struggle between the 2 some of the most found mental liberty of the individuals in relation to the state where established. Wilkes was insolent with the king and also with the prime minister. He criticized a recently signed treaty (peace of Paris 1763 and ended the 7 years war).
As a result Wilkes was arrested on a general warrant (=lettre de cachet). He was accused of publishing a false scandalous, seditions libel (=écrit diffamatoire). Wilkes fought back against the illegality of general warrant and triumphed so the king was infuriated and deprived Wilkes of his parliamentary privileges and he sued him for an obscene poem of an 'essay on women' found in Newspapers. He had to escape and went to France, but he came back in 1765 and was elected MP for Middlesex, the government tried to deprieved Wilkes. But London was on the verge of open rebellion, the government finally backed down.
- The loss of the American colonies
In 1863, England emerged from the war with an immense national debt, so Lord Greenville and he sought a way of limiting expenses. He tried to make the American pay a share to military expenses of the imperial connexion.
1765: a stamp duty was imposed on legal document in the colonies. To the American it was an act of tyranny and so spontaniously colony opposed the stamp act. Stamp Act was repealed (=abrogé une loi) in 1766. But a year later a series of import duties was imposed in America.
Revolutionnary organization began to emerged.
British government hesitated, all the taxes were drowned except tax on tea. After the Boston Tea Party in 1773, british government decided to act to firmness. Penal acts of Massachussets passed, this act ordered political trials of American to be connected in England.
Congress declared America independants. In England, british people ...
1780: House of commons voted in favor of Dunnig's resolution and this revolution says that the influent of the crown increased is Increasing and ought to dimined. The war of Amercian => INTERNATIONAL.
1778: treaty of Alliance was signed between France and US.
1779: Spain entered the war against Britain.
After the Surrender of general Cornwalt to Washington. This news (end of war) brought the system of personal government by the king.
- House of Commons :
After the resignation of the Prime minister in 1782, Britain was restored to full parliamentary government. A new Tory and Whig party,throught into being.
WHIG : lead by Lord Rockingham, Edmund Burke and Charles Fox.
TORY : lead by the younger Pitt.
Rockingham took office in 1782 his ministry left a deep impression for good. 1782: E.Burke passed the economical reform bill.
After 1783, Pitt's ministry reconstituted the finances of the country and restaured his prestige.
With the french revolution a end was put to a political charges and this for 30 years.
The french republican invaded the Rhineland and prepared to invaded Holland.Resistance to the French Hegemony in Europe was pursued by Britain. This determination to resist France was identify with a policy of repression at home. In the first 2 years of the war which started in 1793 there were constant persecution of editors. Thanks to the jury system Britain was reminded that the methods of Robespierre was not wanted in Britain. The british government silenced political discussion. Public meeting were prohibited, political life ceased in Britain. Pitt(the younger) also passed the Combination Act in 1799-1800. This act created Trade unimism illegal. So this policy reprensented state interferenceon the side of capitol against labour.
The parlementary Whigs on the fox Lord Holland and Charles Grey they continued to ask for reform but they were voted down. The Whigs were regarded as seditionist in sympathy with France. For 40 years Whigs were out of power and they were also out of touch with the main stream of national enthousiasm for war. The Whigs were also far removed from sympathy with the lower class radicalism of Tom Paine who expressed his views in a famous book : "Rights of man" in 1792. Amidst the repressive spirit of this period one act stands out in 1807 : Abolition of a slave trade. The
3) The war years
The french republicna try to export their revolution, so rapidly France conquered Holland and Rhine lands. The British and Austrian armies they were driven out the low countries. Bonaparte conquered Italy and in 1797 Austria was beaten. England was alone against