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Digital Economy

Par   •  8 Janvier 2018  •  1 249 Mots (5 Pages)  •  485 Vues

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Digital’s market share continues its rise, now accounting 24% of media spending.

Sustaining growth in mobile advertising in France in the first half of 2015 under the combined influence of SEM and Display advertising.

Définition Online communication :

Online communication is a for of communication aiming to use the various channels available on the Internet to communicate and interact online in order to relay a message tailored (customize = adapter) to a target audience.

Online advertising in the internet ecosystem : The search has revolutionized the concept of advertising as it is the Internet user itself, potential consumer, which triggers the appearance of the advertisement. Therefore, the authority of the historical monologue advertising, bounded in space and time by a sequence flanked by a jingle (commercial break) is challenged by a user more acting compared to the viewer.

VIDEO - The different types of online advertising : country, name of the brand, descrption.

What is the objectif, the approach and the result of the brand ?

- Technology empowers advertising : Formats, codes and trends and business models of online advertising are largely built by a frenetic technological change : « An advertising more technological than editorial ». New skills and methodologies that hybridize the skills of creative engineers, broadcasters and researchers in psychology to imagine new services. In the very near future : targeting profile, connected TV, geolocalisation, augmented reality, micro-payment, digital paper…

Bresil, Audi, utilisation de l’Ipad, jeux, capture écran la voiture, vitesse de la voiture. We focus on the experience, not on the message

Ikea, magazine, meubles, famille. We focus on the experience more than the product.

Victoria Secret, USA, flash QR code and see the entire product

➔ La publicité focus the l’expérience, pas sur les caractéristiques du produits

- The cons-culture: from humor to trash: Internet is a space of cons-culture: it is a “culture of the fake” and masquerade. One use it to practice the second degree in a society that celebrates the ideal of oneself. Internet remains a place of rebellion where one can be touched, disturbed and susprised by what is not politically correct: the art of offset, irony

Germany, Blush lingerie. NSA. Political message against the industry. Ils utilisent l’actualité d’une manière trash.

France – Evening cigarette; The evening cigarette is a new short program that changes deaths based anti-smoking communication campaigns. These quality creations are produced by France Televisions and the league against the cancer. It’s a series of animated short filmsL Dark humor. Smoking is dangerous.

Japan – Aquafresh – replaced the traditional frosting of the cake by toothpaste. Change the look of Aquafresh dental hygiene, promoting particularly appetizing creamy toothpaste.

USA – Pizza Hut – Selfie. The objective of the brand is to promote the new pizza: “Big Dipper pizza Flavor” with the slogan “you’re gonna need a bigger selfie stick”. A topic that puts the restaurant chain in the inescapable evenings among friends.. Pizza Hut launched an awareness campaign entitled “The dangers of Selfie Sticks” to talk about a social phenomenon that is growing: the selfie sticks. In this report, one can thus observe the adverse effects from the use of this device: break all kinds, road accident…

USA – ASH - Cigarette – Bring awareness against the effects of smoking on the skin. “il faut fumer sit u veux devenir plus vieille”. Taking all codes of teleshopping advertisements which usually are promoting beauty products, this false advertising is actually a disguised prevention spot.

France – Don d’organe. Educate young audiences about the need to make known its position on organ donation.

Biomedicine and agency DDB Paris launched a new video campaign called “The Man Who Died the Most”, to talk about a subject that is still taboo: organ donation.

Germany – Smart – After the smallest city Smart launches the biggest city car of all times.


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