Par Junecooper • 10 Octobre 2018 • 744 Mots (3 Pages) • 435 Vues
and International Consultant : Youth, Child Rights. “Triangular Cooperation for Investigating Upstream Cotton Supply Chain in Turkey for Collaborative Follow-Up Action”. Sinem Bayraktar has over 10 years of general professional experience specifically in the field of human and child rights, participation and youth empowerment, child protection, education, social policy, development, civil society and international organizations. She will be presenting an upcoming opportunity for triangular cooperation in the textile sector (Turkey, India, Holland) linked to social solidarity: In June 2013, an effort to improve the social, structural and ecological and economic conditions in the cotton supply chain, was undertaken by the Dutch textile and clothing industry and in response ’Action Plan for Improving Sustainability in the Dutch Textile and Clothing Sector 1.0’ was developed. This is a good example of triangular cooperation in the field of cooperativism and Solidarity Economy
Ms. Sonia Dias, Social Policy, Qualitative Social Research Analysis
WIEGO: Political Science, PhD: Social and Solidarity Economy and Cooperativism in WIEGO: networking as a means to engage in solidarity networks. Ms Sonia Dias will show the potentials of SSTC and the SSE as effective mechanisms that contribute to the creation of solidarity networks. She will show the example of WIEGO.
Ms Anita Amorim, Head, PARDEV-ESPU: “South-South Cooperation and Social and Solidarity Economy and Cooperativism: some examples from the Global South”
Ms Anita Amorim, Head, Emerging and Special Partnerships Unit of the ILO Department of Partnerships and Field Support, is responsible for the coordination of the Unit including South-South partnerships and UN issues. She has supported the ILO’s engagement with the promotion of South-South and triangular cooperation, which was materialized in the strategy adopted by the ILO Governing Body in March 2012, “South-South and triangular cooperation: the way forward”. She will present some cases of cooperation and integration of SSE and SSTC, as presented in South Africa.