The story of Bob
Par Junecooper • 10 Juin 2018 • 1 594 Mots (7 Pages) • 552 Vues
Part 3
Bob as Christophe Dumais
Vincent as Vincent Vincent Roy
Bella as Taylor Swift
Bob was so nervous, his body was shaking, furthermore he couldn’t stop pacing. He’s already someone that is kind of anxious, but at this moment, he felt that this was getting out of hand. There was two hours left till the meeting. To chill out a little bit, he decided to go see his old friend Vincent. In a hurry, he jumped in his car, started the engine, and drove as fast as he could. He knocked on his door. Vincent answered with such enthusiasm: ‘’ Hey Bob!!! My old friend, I’m so happy to see you. Come up inside and have a seat.’’ Bob didn’t answer, he just glanced at Vincent. Friendly, Vincent asked him: ‘’ Hey, what’s wrong my friend, you look depress…?’’ Bob, out of his mind yelled: VINCENT I’M IN BIG TROUBLE! I FOUND A TAP YESTERDAY AND I DECIDED TO LISTEN TO IT. THERE WAS A GIRL TALKING… SHE TOLD ME TO CALL HER BACK IF I WANT TO BE RICH. SO, I DID… IT’S A SET UP, I’LL GO TO JAIL. Vincent barged him: ‘’ Hey take it easy! It’s just a simple call. There’s nothing to worry about. Look at the bright side, maybe this girl saw you somewhere and she wants a date with you? Maybe she’s pretty! Understanding, Vincent add ‘’ Take this beer, that will help you to put yourself together. Relieved, Bob sighed and told him: ‘’ Thank you my dear friend, you’re probably right. I’ll go see this girl!’’ Vincent grabbed him: ‘’ Good luck Bob, I’m sure that there’s nothing wrong. Call me if you need anything else. Goodbye!’’
Bob arrived at the café. Before entering, he peaked in. He saw the girl, he was sure that it was her. He told himself: ‘’Vincent was right, she’s pretty! What a babe!’’ He strutted in the Café with courage. A little shy, Bob asked the girl: ‘’ Hi, you must be… Bella? A melodious shy voice answered: ‘’ Yes, it’s me, you must be Bob, have a seat please.’’ They both started to have an embarrassed laugh. Bella gazed at him: ‘’ What a hunk you are! I mean, you’re gorgeous.’’ Bob replied: Thank you, you are pretty too, you look like a princess with your cute blond hair. Now tell me, why do you want us to meet’’. Embarrassed, Bella answered: ‘’Sorry, it’s just that I dumped my crazy ex-boyfriend last week. Actually, I have a long list of ex-lovers and they all tell me that I was insane, but in reality, they are. She started singing her sentence: ‘’We are never ever getting back together.’’ Bob a little confused asked: Ok but I don’t understand, this meeting is for what reason? You said that you were in trouble...’’ Taylor respond: ‘’Yes sorry, it’s just that these guys were driving me crazy. Why did I asked you to meet? Well… It was a lie, you won’t be rich and I’m not in trouble...’’ Bob frustrated barged her: THEN WHY? Bella started to caress him: ‘’ Because you look like a good guy. I think that you are someone that will finally take care of me. When you walked in the park, it was a love at first sigh. I decided to put the tap so that you could come and find me, and here we are sitting at this table!’’ Bob was so shy, he didn’t know what to think except that Vincent was right about everything. He had a rude break up lately so he tough that this could give him a chance to pull himself together. Gentlemanly, Bob said: ‘’ My dear Bella, we need to know each other before, we can’t just hang out like that. However, I like your offer, if we get to know each other, then maybe something can happen!’’ Bella is falling head over heels in love. She responded to Bob:’’ Wow Bob, what a gentleman you are! I love you to the moon and back! Bob gazed at her: ‘’ I can’t take my eyes off of you’’ Amazed by Bob, Bella told him: ‘’ You’ll be my Romeo, my prince and I’ll be your princess. It will be a love story.’’ When something is under control, Bob is one of the most courageous man in the world. He can be shy but at the same time comfortable. He told her:’’ Let’s get out of here, hang out and be happy till the end of our lives.’’
A week after, Bella dumped him because she realizes that he was like the other guy she had before. Three month after, we heard a new single on the radio from Bella called: They are all the same. When Bob heard that, he knew that this song was dedicated to him… He was at the end of his rope.