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Link between video games and violent behaviours on teenagers

Par   •  15 Novembre 2018  •  2 126 Mots (9 Pages)  •  694 Vues

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Nonetheless, Ferguson’s conclusion is not collectively approved by all researchers. An analysis directed by Anderson (2004) claims the exact opposite of Ferguson.

Anderson demonstrates that his studies revealed that games including violent contents were closely linked to an increase of aggressive behaviours, aggressive discernments, and even in a decrease in mutual help.

Later on, Anderson et al. (2010) enhance their point of view by saying that within their analysis fully imply that exposure to aggressive video games is an occasional risk factor for an increase in contentious behaviours and cognitions.

Simultaneously, we can observe evidences of a decrease in pro-social behaviours, as well as empathy, and an increase in desensitization to violence caused by long term exposure to violent video games.

Moreover, the data proved to be the same for both Eastern and Western cultures and for both genders.

Therefore, the study directed by Anderson et al. highly asserts the potential risks related to playing violent video games.

Finally, relationships formed by gamers online might develop into much more. McMillan and Morrison (2006) assert this idea from a study proving that bonds built through the net extend beyond the game context.

Precisely, a gamer interviewed affirmed that talking about sensitive matters with online mates could be easier for him than with friends he meets everyday.

McMillan and Morrison believe that the virtual identity of a person is usually an accurate representation of his real personality. Thus, when two people connect online, trust is quickly built between both of them which permits a more reliable personal exposure than a face to face meeting.

Therefore, relationships, such as the romantic ones, can process into the real life. Sheeks and Birchmeier (2007) suggest that individuals with a shy personality aspiring to create relationships with other people, might prefer online relationships because they find them more meaningful.

According to Jansz & Martens (2005), even though video games may be played individually, countless gamers interviewed reported that they would rather play with their friends or family members.

The most evident and obvious reason is that video games tend to allow family members to interact in a new way that stimulates feelings of intimacy and solidarity.

Kubey and Larson (1990) showed that teenagers playing video games present a higher interest to the activity while playing with their entourage. Accordingly, if playing with family members and friends can boost the experience, then it would motivate them to seek out family and friends to play with them.

Furthermore, playing video games with family members can strengthen bonds between fathers and sons just like watching a football match or a baseball game (Jansz & Martens, 2005).

Yet, it is relevant to mention that video games are not used only by teenagers and children anymore. In fact, the average gamer’s age is 29 (Rosser Jr. et al., 2007).

Whilst, only one fifth of the gamers in the study is below 18.

This proves that video games are steadily becoming more acceptable among the society and more enjoyable to adults which makes way for a new type of family interaction.

To conclude, video games occupy a noticeable part of today’s society. While it offers many social, academic and also professional benefits, the controversial drawbacks are certain.

First students score higher marks when video games are applied to education, since it makes it more interesting and interactive while improving their cognitive abilities. Moreover, it allows individuals with shy personalities to exercise at home preventing them from disturbing looks at the gym or just to win time. Furthermore, it allows people to build strong based relationships that couldn’t have been made possible in real life interactions. But also it permits to strengthen the bonds with family and friends.

Although, it is undeniable that some types of video games can promote violent behaviours among teenagers. However, it then falls to the parents’ responsibility to filter which games are not suitable for their children to play.

Reference List :

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