Analyse supply chaine magasin de jouet
Par Ninoka • 30 Novembre 2018 • 7 018 Mots (29 Pages) • 713 Vues
To begin our “Santa Claus’s TP”, we listed up different toys and games companies. After that, we contacted them and the following week we received positive answers from many company but we chose to work with the store Chouchou. The reason why we chose to collaborate with this company is because the manager was an EPHEC student. We though that he will easily accept to answer to our questions.
Then, we fixed up an appointment with M. Alexandre Van Schrieck and prepared in advance our questions based on the file posted by M. Chalais. Anthony Pedulla and David Silva Mena went to the appointment. They had a short visit of the company and then the interview began. Of course, the interview was recorded and transcribed by Chakib Limam and Fiona Ribeiro Pinto.
After that, we set up a planning and divided the different tasks to everyone. For missing information, we asked additional questions by emails.
To finish, we gathered all parts together and Fiona Ribeiro Pinto and Anthony Pedulla started to correct spelling and grammar mistakes.
Company ID
Name of the company
Legal statute
Private Limited Company
Van Schrieck Bernard
Date of establishment
Chaussée de Waterloo, 1355 (Fort Jaco) - 1180 Brussels
Entertainment sector
Toys & Games retailer
Numbers of employees
5 employees
Turnover 2017
Profit in 2017
27.205,00 €[2]
Contact person
Van Schrieck Alexandre
Sale’s Manager
Official website
Chouchou on the Belgian market
As said before, our partner company is CHOUCHOU. Founded in 1963, CHOUCHOU is the oldest toy shop still in service in Brussels. Indeed, the founders were the first to set up a store in Louise Gallery. This company is a small family business which is passed on since 4 generations. Maison CHOUCHOU has had the pleasure to advise and spoil many generations of children, some of whom are now great-grandparents. The toy passion has grown from family to family and today the store has thousands of customers.
CHOUCHOU is active on the toys sector, more precisely on the traditional toys market. They’ve a wide range of product however ranges aren’t deep. To be sure to respond to the various requests of customers, Chouchou offers a range of more than 350 different toys to satisfy any type of request. In the range, we can find social games, gadgets, soft toys, memory games or even bicycles.
Their goal is to offer quality products, to make their current customer loyal and to create a customized relation between customers and employees. By this way, they hope to improve customer’s purchase frequency. They’re not specially looking for new customers; the target is the current customers who purchase toys from generation to generation. Price is not a reasons to shop in CHOUCHOU, they can’t face big competitor who can’t easily benefit from scale’s economy. To distinguish themselves from competitor, they play a lot on fidelization but that isn’t all. Innovation is also important for our partner; they try to find new products and to be trendsetter in Belgium. By example, they we’re the first toys store to offer the famous “handspinner”[3], the “Tamagotchi”, Barbies, etc…
Those are the 3 promises made by Chouchou to their customers:
- Advised by an experienced and specialized team
- Quality toys at reasonable prices
- Possibility of testing the toy in the store
When the customer enters in the store, he will be taken care of by an employee to be advised in the best way. So, they try to see what kind of toy the customer is looking for, for which age group and the price too. The employees of Chouchou are really specialized in the matter and know all the toys by heart because they studied them beforehand.
The marketing isn’t developed as well. They promote the company only by their Facebook page and their website (which is poorly done). They also take part to different event, trade fairs, radio spot, jumble sales, … The budget dedicated to the promotion is low.
The strategy of procurement of the company is very flexible because it is an old strategy system. The owner orders products when he sees some gaps in the stock or when he wants another type of product in his store. He doesn’t use computer to control his stock; so with this method he can answer easily to the variation of demand.
For example, we have the toy named “handspinner” which was the toy that every child has in two, three or four models, the director ordered a little number at the beginning, he saw that the demand was very high so he directly ordered more and more and to finish he sold more than 400 pieces a day. Then, the attraction of the product was done and so he ended to order it. The owner feels when he has to order or not, he knows very well his client and the world of toys because he is in this world since his birth.
For the fluctuation