- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires


Par   •  2 Octobre 2018  •  5 626 Mots (23 Pages)  •  534 Vues

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Assigned Text

There are two required course texts. Hard copies of these texts are required; electronic versions are not acceptable. Be sure to acquire hard copies of these texts at the Auraria Bookstore (earlier editions are acceptable). Other assigned (i.e.: required) texts will be found online or sent as pdfs:

1. Classics of Political and Moral Philosophy, by Steven M. Cahn; Oxford University Press.

2. A Very Short Introduction to Political Philosophy, by David Miller (pdf sent via email).

Course Requirements

Students are responsible for all of the materials in the readings and for all points raised in worksheets. A worksheet and short précis of each assigned reading, and two questions on the readings, are due each Sunday. No late submissions of the Worksheets will be accepted. There will be 1) a syllabus quiz (5%), 2) a weekly worksheet (3% each [x 15] = 45%), 3) a short paper of ten pages (10%) and 4) a term exam of (minimally) 18 full pages (30%). Lastly, 5) your perseverance, diligence and professional deportment will be factored into your final grade (10%). As the term paper is the culmination of all of your work in the course, failure to submit it when due will result in failure of the class.

It is important that you keep up with and submit the weekly worksheets. Their dual purpose is to reward your engagement with the texts and to generate material you may utilize in writing your short paper and term paper. I would advise you to get started early in the week and work on them in conjunction with your reading of the assigned material. I recommend not putting them off to the weekend.

Classroom Policies

Portable electronic devices: The use of any portable electronic device (cell phone, laptop computer, tablet or similar device) is forbidden during class.

All cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off before entering the room and kept out of sight throughout the duration of class. The only technologies you need in this classroom are your assigned texts, a notepad and a writing instrument. Carefully peruse the following articles and discussions for the syllabus quiz:

1. The Attention Deficit Society: What Technology Is Doing to Our Brains:

2. Laptop multitasking hinders classroom learning for both users and nearby peers:

3. In-class laptop use and its effects on student learning:

4. Media Multitaskers Pay Mental Price:

5. Research on In-Class Use of Laptops and Other Devices: Effects on Students' Learning and Attention

Laptop, smartphone and cellphone use in the classroom will be penalized with a reduction in grade points. Any related disruption will diminish the violators’ final in-class participation grade and may warrant a report to the MSUDenver Office of Student Conduct.

Throughout the duration of the course, you are responsible for:

- Completing all readings before the class session for which they are assigned

- Arriving promptly to class: Each incident of tardiness exceeding fifteen minutes or early departure counts as half an absence

- Taking notes on lecture and class discussion

- Actively participating in class discussions (evaluation reflects the quality and quantity of the participation)

- Correctly following assignment instructions

- Being respectful and courteous of the class and other students’ questions, comments and perspectives, and respectful in all electronic communication related to class business; email “flames” are not acceptable and will be penalized

- Regular attendance: You may miss class only with a pre-approved reason or documentation of an unforeseen emergency

Attendance Policy

Attendance in this course is mandatory. If you must miss class(es) due to illness or emergency, simply submit credible documentation to me upon your return to class. If no satisfactory explanation is provided, the absence will be penalized. I can see your activity and the date of your most recent log on to our course Blackboard page and check it regularly. Your presence in the class online will be reviewed in determining your final grade.

Assignment and Exam Due Dates

Assignment deadlines are strictly enforced. Students are expected to submit all assignments by the due date and to complete the course according to the class schedule. A compelling request for an extension on any assignment or exam must be submitted to me for consideration at least two weeks before the due date in question. Overdue assignments that I accept will be penalized 15% per class period and will not be accepted after one week.

Make-up exams will only be provided when compelling circumstances warrant, at my discretion. For such consideration a formal written explanation for the missed exam and request for a make-up is required at the next class period. Your attendance bears directly on my estimation of your attitude and the quality of your class participation (worth 10% of your final course grade).

Academic Fraud

Plagiarism and any other form of cheating will not be tolerated. Do not be ignorant of your responsibilities, especially when citing source material. Be certain you know what constitutes plagiarism. The use of another writer’s words or ideas, either direct quotations from or the paraphrasing of another person’s material, requires proper citation. Failure to properly cite/credit your sources constitutes plagiarism. If you have any doubts, cite it!

Review MSUD’s policies at:


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