- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires


Par   •  25 Janvier 2019  •  Chronologie  •  1 757 Mots (8 Pages)  •  676 Vues

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Homosexuality refers to the practice of sexual and emotional relationships with same-sex (behavioral or empirical) and / or sexual orientation for persons of the same sex (psychological and sociological perspective). The word applies indiscriminately to men and women. This talk will deal with the rejection of homosexuals in today's French society. It must be known that homosexuality has always existed and is not a new fact. According to times and places, it was more or less tolerated or accepted (Antiquity). For a long time considered a mental illness, homosexuality was decriminalized over time and eventually recognized by France. However, there is a difference between the recognition of the state and individuals. Mentalities are not always ready to recognize this difference in sexual orientation. That is why we come to wonder how homosexuals are currently excluded in our society. Why are they? In which cases? In what environments? What are the consequences of this exclusion? ... Through the laws and actions that have played in this "fight". We shall then conclude with an account of this rejection, its evolution over time and the feelings of the individuals concerned.


1. Why and by whom are they excluded?

The term homophobia refers to the explicit or implicit hostility experienced by homosexuals. This hostility comes from fear, hatred, aversion or disapproval of homosexuality. Homophobia exists in different, more or less violent forms. Homophobia of language (insults, mockery), personal homophobia, people feel that homosexuals are abnormal, institutional homophobia because of institutions and laws that do not favor the integration of these individuals, but Also homophobia internalized by homosexuals, in fact they integrate prejudices, homophobic social norms and thus devalue themselves.

2. How and where are they excluded?

Today, in French society, despite a marked change in attitudes, discriminatory situations and homophobic acts persist with regard to homosexuals.

3. The problem essentially arises

The problem essentially arises in the fact that homosexuals are excluded from the law itself.

There is also greater discrimination in remote areas, such as the countryside. We will therefore give here some examples of the environments in which homosexuals are most discriminated against.

4. The school environment

In the period of adolescence one seeks, one changes and one asks questions especially on the sexuality. While this period is complicated for heterosexual youth, it becomes even more difficult for young homosexuals who do not identify with the majority. Unfortunately, the school (in the broad sense), which is the equivalent of the workplace for the child, does not fulfill its mission of open-mindedness and awareness of homosexuality, of homophobia. Insults and mockery are most often found in playgrounds, but physical violence is far from non-existent. The numerous associations, such as SOS homophobia, against discrimination due to orientation.

5. The nature of homosexuality

The first question is the nature of homosexuality. It is an abnormality of behavior in terms of sexuality. The natural order, established by the Author of nature, is founded on the distinction and complementarity of the sexes, with a view to marriage ordained itself to the transmission of life. Homosexuality is a disordered sexual behavior, linked to the attraction for the individual of the same sex. A person may feel this attractiveness or tendency, to varying degrees; it can suffer much without necessarily engaging in disorderly sexual behavior, that is, homosexuality. Which is to say that someone can have a homosexual tendency, even deep, without being strictly speaking homosexual.

6. Homosexuality among adults

In adults, there are obviously different types of homosexuals. Some may be occasional, due to the absence of partners of the opposite sex. Others may be, as in ancient Greece, because of social or philosophical concerns. Thus, in the "inverted", homosexuality is more a platonic aesthetic than a genital behavior. On the other hand, we may find ourselves in the presence of homosexual behaviors of neurotic or perverse origin. Similarly, psychotic or dementia processes may be accompanied by homosexuality. Whatever the type of homosexuality observed in adults, in all cases there is clearly a serious anomaly affecting the personality of the homosexual subject on a psychological and social level.


7. Homosexuality in children

What causes homosexuality in children? Infantile homosexuality depends on the association of a psych affective fragility, conflicting motivations, often unconscious, and training due to occasional encounters or school masturbation practices. In other words, children are not born homosexual but may become homosexual because of emotional problems (emotional deficiencies), conflicts with either parent or the opposite sex, and an unfortunate initiation to homosexual behavior by occasional corrupting influence or their entourage.

8. Homosexuality in Adolescents

In adolescents, homosexuality may be a temporary choice due to some sexual ambivalence before heterosexual polarization. The persistence of the anomaly of the choice is explained by the suggestibility, the impulsiveness and the erotic preoccupations which can associate with

neurotic factors. It is usually born a guilt of obsessive nature. By the progressive mental attenuation of this guilt, the neurosis becomes perversion; the subject then ends by considering his anomaly as "normal". This is an acquired perversion, constitutional perversion being a rarity.


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