- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires


Par   •  29 Septembre 2017  •  1 791 Mots (8 Pages)  •  494 Vues

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On the other hand, the media have played and still play an undeniable role. Everyday we are bombarded with images and models of beauty. Electronic media also contributes to this idea of the “perfect body”; for example, American television series for teenagers are full of actors and actresses with a perfect body, which delivers a clear message to the young viewers. Even news reporters must be pleasant to see. Several recent U.S. studies show the media’s influence on the evaluation we made on ​​our own body. One of these studies demonstrated, for example, that adolescent girls judge themselves much harder after we showed them pictures of very thin women. Thus, it is undeniable that the influence of the media has a universal appeal and that it is primarily due to American television. Broadcast around the world, it is primarily responsible for global conquest of media power.

After all, according to my beliefs and cultures, if one could truly control his or her body, he or she would be in perfect harmony with it. Indeed, every individual would try to take complete advantage of the body’s full abilities, without trying to modify it. People wouldn’t want to copy the same model, but would actually cherish its uniqueness. One wouldn’t refuse to age, since it is a natural process. However, everyone would do his or her best to age while remaining fit and clever.

Overall, the body’s control supposes nothing but a respectful and attentive listening to it. But in today's society, it is not our bodies that we listen to; but the media and advertising. The body in what it is more human and more authentic is denied and replaced by a body "plastic": no fat, no wrinkles, and no hair. Indeed, the body we exposed is not really human anymore. It is a lifeless object, an entity that cannot even breathe. If we follow today’s beliefs, the body, as it is naturaly should make us ashamed. They give us the right to be proud of it, but only if it has been modified, which emphasizes the practice of cosmetic surgery.

There is no doubt that cosmetic surgery can do wonders for people who are born with a malformation or those disfigured in an accident. But, on the other hand, each Scientific advance has a bad side. In the meantime, I am worried because the cosmetic surgery is used on a large scale such as a benign and inconsequential intervention. We don’t actually measure its perverse effects. Nowadays, it becomes usual to be reshaping the nose or breasts. The most dangerous part of the technologies and remodeling is that they directly come to play on the self-esteem. I'm sure there are many psychological and physiological risks associated to the cosmetic surgery.

In conclusion, the idea of the “beauty” changed considerably these past years to the point that today everyone cares only for his or her appearance and forgets the world around him or her. Indeed, It seems imperative that we question ourselves about the relationship we have with our body, because this relationship concerns all of us, we are all vulnerable to this phenomena that directly affects our self-esteem. When I was run on in high school, my father always told me: “Don’t judge people for their appearances, because when you are indifferent to the personality and life experiences of an individual; you deprive yourself of the greatest resources that this person can bring you”. Moreover, in my opinion, people should avoid being narcissistic and open to the world, because while we are currently trying to lose weight at any price, somewhere in the world major events are happening, which deserve our attention. Also, we know that despite all efforts and cosmetic surgeries we do, there comes a day when time catches up with us. Thus, to summarize, as we say in Britain: “A leopard cannot change its spots”.


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