Water sustainability
Par Andrea • 14 Octobre 2018 • 1 010 Mots (5 Pages) • 516 Vues
diseases such as typhoid could spread more easily and rapidly. And it is probable that as a result there will be arising conflicts between the nations over remaining water sources, which could possibly lead to a bigger, more severe conflict on a world-wide scale.
The best way to avoid this is to turn towards sustainability. This would mean censoring our usage of water and preserving it for the most essential of uses, minimize water pollution and find ways of recycling the water.
There are simple steps each individual can take in order to use their water sustainably; these include turning off the water whilst brushing their teeth (which can save approximately eight gallons of water), running less water for showers and baths, using compost toilets (these use wood shavings instead of water), re-use water (for example, instead of pouring the left-over jug water from lunch down the sink, use it to water the plants), only use the dishwasher once it is completely full, etc.
On a wider scale, water could be used sustainably by recycling sewage water into clean, consumable water (which is already being done, and is being perfected), by desalinating sea water, by capturing rainwater, and by generally reducing the amount of water used for different activities.
It is necessary to use water more sustainably because if we continue using it as we are doing today, it will eventually run out, probably some time in the near future. Today, 1 billion people do not have sufficient access to safe drinking water, and it is believed that in 2030 this will become half the population if we do not start censoring our water usage. If we let our water run out, it will cause chaos: famine, pandemics and severe conflicts all around the world.
The most effective way to prevent this is to change our habits to use our water sustainably. Each individual can take the first steps by using their water more carefully around their house, by becoming aware of the growing danger and even by investing themselves in those organizations to make a change. When everyone is aware of his danger, and is aware that it will affect them as well as the future generations, change will be possible and finally we shall be able to save our planet’s water.