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The Impacts of Population Growth

Par   •  18 Août 2018  •  2 317 Mots (10 Pages)  •  573 Vues

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Overall, we can tell that all the effects of population growth won’t only lead to these effects themselves, but they will also lead to even wider conflicts.

To conclude the population growth will environmentally impact deforestation, climate change and the fossil fuels. In addition, the social impacts will include a rise in water and food insecurity, a global inequality and finally conflicts and wars. In order to stop or at least slow down such dramatic effects, population growth should start to diminish. So, first of all, a better education should be provided for the people as this will enable them to make better choices surrounding family planning. Then, better contraception should be used, as in developing countries, many citizens aren’t very knowledgeable or cannot afford to protect themselves. If population growth cannot be slowed down, the individual impacts should be somehow reduced. Principally, research should be made to help reduce all environmental effects, then a more equal distribution of resources should be established so that there are fewer social impacts.

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Websites :

Bradford, Alina. “Deforestation : Facts, causes and effects”,Live Science, 4th March 2015, Accessed 26th Nov. 2016

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