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Espace et échanges: What are the different aspects of tourism ?

Par   •  26 Juin 2018  •  946 Mots (4 Pages)  •  604 Vues

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Thirstly, there is the Space tourism. A new type of tourism much more expensive, now anybody can go to the space on condition to have 250 000 dollards, that what the Virgin buinsness request for 2h of fly in the Space. Danis Tito, a rich american and the fist space toutist, organies travel to space and want to do a mars mission called “ inspiration mars “ . That consists to send people for colonize mars in 2018. In parallel, there is “mars one “, this mission consists to send people to mars too , in 2026 the first team will arrive to mars after that every 2 year,s a new team of 4 persons will go to mars. For finance this mission, camera will be installed for a reality show . This people can't go at home and they will stay to mars for all the life . Some business think even to space hotels but it's not possible for the moment . But of course, that is very expensive and that can represent a danger : in 2014 a Spaceship by virgin crashed and there was 1 death .

There are a lot of type of tourism and all have danger and positiv aspect, like mass tourism, slum tourism and space tourism. But we can't deprive to do what we want to do. Me, I will love to go to Canada forest and live with the wild nature, for discover a new life style but ther are lot of dangers like bear attak, starvation, cold . Finally we can say that the society tries always to reposs limits and there are always be new types of tourism.


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