Par Orhan • 17 Janvier 2018 • 1 042 Mots (5 Pages) • 464 Vues
3 : high urbanization rate, important Place of exchanges, crossroads of communication routes, high drift from the land
- Islamic fundamentalism : / 4 points
0 : Freedom of religion, full civil rights, no Islamic attack, distinction between policy and belief
1 : Freedom of Religion, full civil rights, very few Islamic attack
2 : Monitoring religion, few Islamic attack, human rights violation
3 : Limits on religion & civil rights, some Islamic attack
4 : No free religion, dictatorship, many Islamic attack, political and social unfairness
- Corruption : / 6 points
0 : Developed country, no corruption (public & private sectors), high social development, no abuse on fonctions
1 : Developed country, very few corruption, high social development, no abuse on fonctions
2 : emerging country, few corruption (public sectors), low social development
3 : emerging country, some corruption (public & private sectors), low social development
4 : underdeveloped country, some corruption (public sectors), low social development
5 : underdeveloped country, high rate of corruption(public & private sectors), Corruption of national and foreign civil servants, low social developement
6 : underdeveloped country, Poverty, very low social development, Corruption of national and foreign civil servants, Corruption (public & private sectors), Extortion, appropriation and other diversion of the property, Abuse of functions, Obstruction in the justice
- Ethnic tension : / 4 points
0 : No ethnic tension, respect of human rights, Freedom of religion, peace & mixt between different ethnic groups
1 : Low ethnic tension, respect of human rights, Freedom of religion
2 : Some ethnic tension, respect of human rights, monitoring of religion
3 : High ethnic tension, no respect of human rights, limits on religion
4 : Very high ethnic tension, no respect of human rights, no Freedom of religion, attack against these population ( genocide, murder…), specific district
- Falling GDP per person 0/8points
0 : High Growth of GDP
2 : Stable GDP for many years
4 : Irregular Economic Fluctuation
6 : Decreasing GDP
8 : Economical recession
- High inflation 0/5points
0 : Deflation
1 : Disinflation
2 : Staglfation (slow period )
3 : Early stage of inflation (increase of general price level )
4 : Critical stage (government lose inflation’s « control »)
5 : Recession (several consecutives months of GDP’s negative growth)
- Capital flight 2/4points
0 : Rich people stay in the country with their fortune
1 : Higher taxes on wealth, rich starts savings overseas
2 : Capital flight due to political events
3 : Tax Evasion rate growing
4 : No rich people keep its fortune in the country anymore
- High and rising foreign debt as proportion of GDP 6/6points
0 : real interest rate more than 16%
2 : real interest rate between 7%-16%
4 : real interest rate between 2%-7%
6 : real interest rate between 0-2%
- Decline in food production 0/4points
0 : High food production and exportations
1 : mportant food production but no exportations
2 : Import 50% of the food cosumption
3 : Very low food production
4 : Famine
- Raw materials as high % of exports 2/6points
0 : No raw materials exportations at all
2 : Raw materials represent less than 50% of exports
4 : Raw material represent more than 50% of exports
6 : The economy