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Mick hoCk

Par   •  16 Mai 2018  •  746 Mots (3 Pages)  •  526 Vues

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Mick Hock was born in a Christian and very easy family, her mother Madame Margaret Hock (1946-) was a plastic surgeon and his father Monsieur James-Herbert Hock (1935-2018) was at first professor of political sciences at the University of Harvard from 1963 till 1971, and from 1972 till 2012 secretary of the Republican Party.

Mick Hock is married since 2001 to Ivanka Trump (From now on Ivanka Hock), this union was loud noise in the American press because Ivanka is the girl of the very controversial former president Monsieur Donald Trump.

Candidacy for the presidential elections of 2023 and political Program

Mick Hock declared himself candidate in the Presidential election in June, 2023. He took away the primary sectors of the party of the Republicans and is now in race against the democrat Enrico Merciez.

His political program in some points:

- Strengthening of the social security system; - abolition of the jus soli; - creation of the status of state employees of State;

- Creation of 60 000 policemen's posts;

- Education system improved against the early school leaving; - institution Compulsory military service; - wealth tax in 25 %; - compulsory Carrying of weapons for every state employee of the State; - refusal of immigration for a chosen immigration; - Every Stuck person can be locked by precautions and questioned.

Qualities and Comparison to a predecessor Mick Hock is described as somebody of worker, and very good negotiator. He is considered as one of the best of all the confused presidential elections. His model is Abraham Lincoln because as him, it considers federative, big speaker, conciliator, patriot, protector and tuned to his fellow countrymen.


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