Young Juveniles
Par Ninoka • 28 Novembre 2018 • 1 887 Mots (8 Pages) • 590 Vues
Success encourages the offender to act and promotes recidivism: successfully committing offenses without incitement to escalation, and surpassing one another by committing increasingly serious offenses. That is why it is beneficial to denounce the offense of one of his relatives or friends.
Moreover, this individualist society which has settled in France, causes the frustration of some young people whose financial means are reduced. This frustration is aggravated by the effect of advertisements. The individual can not realize his personal desires without contradicting the norms and values of society: theft, violence will then be the issues chosen by the most influential individuals who are no longer guided by the system of collective values . For example, the current financial crisis in France is, for many specialists, conducive to the rise of crimes such as robberies and robberies, since the gap between the desires of young people and the possibility of satisfying them is very high higher.
Economic factors
Economic factors have, according to the majority of contemporary sociologists, a great influence on the delinquency of young people today in France. However, in spite of popular belief, poverty (proportion of 13-17 year-olds whose parents' incomes are below or below) has a surprising effect: it reduces the frequency of violations of authority, public disorders and sexual assault. However, it has no impact on single flights and very little on specialized flights.
On the other hand, other economic causes favor juvenile delinquency as the insurmountable difficulties of a young person when he wants to find a job and that all the doors are closed to him in the nose. The adolescent who feels rejected will seek the company of young people of his age, often unemployed like him with whom he will fall into delinquency most often by drug use or theft. The band can somehow escape the social reality of the adult world, which does not understand them.
Current employment problems only make things worse because young people are no longer no longer believe in the school that does not allow them to improve their social status. (Drawing). They then feel that they have nothing to expect from society. Moreover, the phenomenon of tertiarisation no longer assumes the same social status as industrial employment in the past, and therefore the qualities required to obtain a correct job are too great. Then, to the difficulties of schooling, there is the loss of hope of many young people. The difficulties of money are not settled by the increase in the price of rents, the price of life and the crisis which has lasted for the last twenty years. The slowdown in growth favors the development of drug trafficking which makes it possible to make "easy money". Thefts have increased by 15% in France over the last fifteen years and since the goods are increasingly protected young people multiply the offenses:
Economic factors alone are not responsible for offenses such as theft. The origin of this type of offense is plural.
This enabled us to realize the multitude and complexity of the causes responsible for juvenile delinquency. Indeed, as we have shown, it is the accumulation of several factors that is responsible for the behavior of these young people.
It should not be forgotten, however, that some young people, although daily cottoning these different problems, do not fall into delinquency. The character, the personality and the will of the individual are Presentation
Theme: juvenile delinquency
1 / Introduction:
2 / Development:
A / The cause:
a / Bad company.
b) poor education: illiteracy.
c / Lamodernity: TV, internet, movies, series.
B / Consequences:
a / drug addiction.
b) Prostitution.
c / Crime.
C / The solution:
a / The instruction.
b / Job creation.
C / The government3 / Conclusion:
1 / Introduction:
Delinquency is a behavior characterized by repeated offenses, considered mainly in its social aspect but also criminal.
For a long time, the offense has been interpreted as a hereditary phenomenon, linked to intellectual disabilities or mental disorders. But this trait is far from decisive. Indeed, juvenile delinquency comes from a set of factors whose impact is more or less important according to individuals. These factors can be grouped into three major groups: factors related to adolescent's psychology and frailty; family factors; the social factors ...
2 / Development:
A / The cause:
The main causes of juvenile delinquency are poverty, external influences and education, adolescence and illiteracy. We can say that these four themes are the main causes that lead directly to juvenile delinquency in our context.
a / The bad company.
A phase of growth and development that makes the transition between childhood and adulthood, adolescence is assimilated to the physical changes of puberty to allow the child to pass into the world of adults.
and bad company can lead at this point in many ways towards youthful delinquency
Many young people then can not give rational explanations for their actions..