- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires


Par   •  26 Septembre 2018  •  1 661 Mots (7 Pages)  •  478 Vues

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8. During courses

The course was taught using a combination of authentic documents and situations, published

books, video/DVD presentations and specific notes prepared by the teachers.

The teaching/learning approach was task-based. We were given homework and tasks to perform in

groups. This means that the trainees had to learn by considering and producing their own models.

A variety of techniques were used by the teachers to check students’ comprehension and ensure

that participants were developing certain skills. (Here you certainly have something to add

according to what you learnt)

9. Subjects

During our immersion period, we acquired new knowledge and a new kind of vocabulary. Different

subjects were studied including marketing, grammar, business English ...

(In this section you have to give more details about the subjects you studied and the content of

your courses)



10.[pic 4]

Course length, location and fees

The course was 120 hours in total (it can be more or less). 90 hours were dedicated to in-class

lessons, 15 hours to company visits and cultural activities, and other 15 hours to presentations.

(This is just a suggestion, may be you had some other activities. Name them, and say whether they

were interesting or not.) The classes took place at BC every week day from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and

from 2p.m. to 4 p.m. The fees we paid amounted to … dh and included the placement test to

evaluate the language level for each participant, ongoing assessment, cultural activities, and

company visits. (You can add more details)

CHAPTER TWO (on a fresh page)

HEM groups /students were assigned a research project with a presentation to be given at the end

of the training period.


The project /The research

The projects were on different sectors. Each student was part of a group of 3/4/5 students from

different levels. Students could select their groups and choose their subjects. This was essential to

ensure that the slow learners have an opportunity to work with the good ones and win the

competition (of course, we are talking about BC trainees). (Elaborate)


Coaching of the project groups

The coaching was done by the BC teachers all along the training period. Sessions were devoted to

team-working during the week to help students understand the benefits of working collaboratively.



Methodology Adopted:

(How did you work together? Give all the necessary details)


Content of the project

(Summarize in the gist of your project)


The output of the experience :

(How was this experience interesting for you? - to work in groups, to learn ,to listen etc. Who was

the leader? What problems did you encounter?)

(What was positive and/or negative about working in groups?)

CHAPTER THREE (on a fresh page)


Company visits

Company visits were tied to the course content and objectives of the training. Students had to visit

at least one company. The aim of these visits was to enhance our English, both spoken and written.

The groups going on company visits were rather small. They did not exceed 20 students per visit.



The visits were conducted in English by professionals. Students had also to experience the world of[pic 5]

production and manufacturing. They could learn the basic tasks that were performed by workers.

They came into direct contact with . . . (Give more details)

1. Visiting LEAR (just an example)

(You have to present the company and give a brief summary of the company visit. What did you

see? Who did you talk to? What did you learn?)

2. Visiting DELPHI (just an example)

(You have to present the company and give a brief summary of the company visit. What did you

see? Who did you talk to? What did you learn?)


Cultural activities

Museum visits, courses on culture and civilization, maybe movies shown by the teachers, debate


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