- Dissertations, travaux de recherche, examens, fiches de lecture, BAC, notes de recherche et mémoires


Par   •  22 Août 2018  •  1 062 Mots (5 Pages)  •  482 Vues

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McDonald's is more involved in sustainable development (greener, less polluting restaurants ...).

McDonald's is fighting waste disposal on the streets, helping to create partnerships between restaurants and the city.

IV) Advertissement

Advertising also plays a very important role in the constant attractiveness of the company. That's why the company spends almost 2 billion euros per year on advertising spots such as "Come on as you are". McDonald's latest ad, in its posters and television spots, features several characters dressed and capped at different times in their lives and moods. This advertising brings the company closer to the consumer. This spot focuses on the population who frequent this restaurant: it makes the consumer understand that appearance does not count in McDonad's, that there is no difference or hierarchization between individuals.

[pic 1]

An advertisement that speaks to parents is what MC Donald's wanted to propose. Everyone knows how hard it is to fall asleep a baby and especially not to wake him up.

In this video so cute, the daddy turns judiciously in circles to keep the rhythm that has asleep the little one. Through this commercial, the American food chain uses its fast service with the human side as a bonus.

V) Social media

Fast-fooders quickly realized their interest in having an active presence on social networks : their consumers were part of the "general public", so it was natural to meet them on spaces such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Youtube.

The goal of the game for these big brands is to know how to communicate weeks and months on their various products marketed in restaurants, without losing the consumer.

The return of the M

In this first example, the fast food chain informs internet users of the return of the famous "M" through a Facebook publication.

This will also be an opportunity to ask fans for their tasting preferences.

[pic 2]

The practice of newsjacking

By linking its products (fries and potoatoes) to events celebrated at national level, the channel seeks to foster the engagement of its Internet users while demonstrating its interest for key moments of a good part of the population.

[pic 3]

Example McDonald's France: "battle" publications

In the two examples below, the fast food franchise offers us publications designed to get Internet users to react by asking them to take sides for one or the other proposal.

An interesting method to highlight its products and sensitize the members of its community.

[pic 4]

Moreover, the social presence of the brand was activated well after that of Quick and KFC (February 2011) but thanks to a quality community management, the page is today with nearly 900 000 likers. The McDonald's community manager is also the most active with an average of one post per day.

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