Gohic Literrature
Par Andrea • 22 Janvier 2018 • 1 649 Mots (7 Pages) • 545 Vues
Wedding → the ceremony
Marriage → the life of a couple
The beginning is like a newly-weds’ night: une soirée entre jeunes mariés.
But the landscape is horrible and reflects what’s happened.
He transitory light: line 2
Obscured in darkness: line 3
The moon ah reached her summit…dimmed her rays” personification of woman
To dim: tamiser
High obscured: line 11
The repletion of words is not a coincidence. The more the reader will read the same words in the text, the more he will experience the same feelings as Frankenstein.
- Normally it’s a night where there a union but here there are a separation. The most obvious is instead a union there is a separation. There are the feelings of horror or fear instead exciting or happiness.
Blissful: extremely happy
The bride: la marriée
The groom: le marrié
In an inn: dans un hotel
She thrown across the bed → not for lobe but for death
Bridal bier: cercueil nuptial
↳it’s an oxymore[pic 4]
To bed doomed/ cursed
So to speak: pour ainsi dire
Something is bound to happen: inevitable
- The contemplated the landscape, they watched it.
→ It’s extremely romantic: moonlight, lake…
The wife watches Victor, her husband.
Victor watched around him, he expected.
Elizabeth watched him and now he watched her death.
“I see the same figure”: features: les traits du visage.
He face reflects the death with the features of fear.
He was been watch by the people of the inn.
He watches the moon again so he’s gone to see the monster. There are watching between Victor and the monster[pic 5]
The kohol: le trou de la serrure
We are attracting by forbidden things.
To peek: jeter un coup d’oeil
Your heart is pounding in your chest.
-the sound effects
-the music
-the wind howling to the window
-breaking doors or steps
-an organ
-an owl, a dog, a wolf
- The world of imagination because Frankenstein is about what s strange, supernatural fantastic with a monster
- Characters and their transformation: with emblematic figures about the double, and the death of a character.
Social Background
-The upper class: the lower upper class (well of people)
-The middle class
-The working class
A terrace house
A semi detaches
A detached house
A manor house
A mansion/ a stately house
The social ladder: echelle social
-country gentry
The aristocracy
Social status
I fa woman weren’t married she hasn’t a social status
Wit → witty : avoir le sens de la répartie et pouvoir renverser une situation (Oscar Wild)
Northanger Abbey, 1818, Jane Austen (1775-1817)
To picture: imaginer
An old house with big windows: like a church
A folly: une Vielle maison voulu
A palace: just for the Royal family and Blenheim palace
To entertain: recevoir → entertain people
The estate in stately home: orchard for fruit and a vegetable garden
The staff: le personnel
When an author used Latin words: to brag/boast/ show of → se venter
She overdoes it / over exaggerates → it’s a cliché and it’s laughable
She goes over the top
She does it on purpose/ purposefully: Elle le fait exprès
Jane Austin does on purpose to exaggerate with elements in Gothic literature: door struck, footstep, cold sweat…
The setting:
In an Abbey
Because in 19th century people like it
In catherine’s bedroom.
It’s very dark because candles are been snuffed
It’s probably in countryside
It’s extremely noised
The noices: