Mémoire Allociné
Par Plum05 • 5 Novembre 2018 • 1 329 Mots (6 Pages) • 558 Vues
tool in the film’s consumption pattern
3.1 Tools that work
3.2 A sense of reliability
« 1ère base de données francophone en matière d’entertainment, avec plus de 80 000 films référencés, 5 000 séries TV et 290 000 personnalités » by Rich Media et AT Internet.
3.3 The major elements of decision
From a much more behavioral and social point of view, the spectator That the human being feels the need to communicate with others, "Animal Social "as described by Aristote
Allociné is a major player in modern cinema and audio-visual, the website acts as a catalyst of information, opinion and feelings. He knew by his control of a technical and a very aggressive and dynamic policy to develop on different sides of the audio-visual sector by proposing a multitude of services. This expansion part of the network has led Allociné to develop a complete website on the phones, television, internet and magazine (which no longer exists today). This versatility has also affected the proposed content, which is no confined to the simple database, but has been joined by news, programs and web series. Allociné and its journalists are always neutral, they let the users give their opinions, and are careful about issues of judgments. They will simply prioritize the information by restoring it. Allociné thus appears as an essential organ in the digital promotion of movies in France, because it’s very high audience and its recurrent work with the Professionals. On the other side, this website is perceived as a reliable information tool about the cinema by the network users and therefore by a large part of the spectators. As the years Allociné could modify its image to pass of the switchboard, information on the schedules of the sessions, to the complete database to end up in a website of current versatile mixing professionals and community practices. Today Allociné is a website you can rely on because it offers services that are practical and effective. And it is here that Allociné draws its best strength, it is in this journalist mix, amateurism and complete database. The practical aspects of the website are strongly solicited by its actors, such as consultation of the cinema schedules, information about the rooms or online reservations. Online purchases are also a cost-effective way for the French company to forge the strong partnerships to this service and satisfy its users. The database of the site has renamed it Allociné, it is a tool appreciated by the spectators to inform and inquire on the universe of cinema in general. The new thing marked by the website with the production of news programs and Web-series in a playful tone but still professional has attracted a new audience and loyal users of the first hour. Moreover, this has helped to give a more credible and more active image of the structure. The emergence of social networks and the logic of sharing and community the system of criticisms and ratings put in place by Allociné strongly develop and touch the habits of users. With more than 80 millions of notations on the site it is a tool is very appreciated by the Net surfers and which favors the circulation of information and exchanges between the actors of the site, the opinion of others relies heavily on the viewer’s perception of films. It is a real barometer for professionals who can anticipate the results and re-adjust their promotional strategies. Finally, what emerges in the use patterns of the site in particular and the decision of the choice of the film in general is the recurring consultation of the trailers. True vector of promotion and central point of the decision-making process for the spectator, this tool is the essential element of capturing the audience of Allociné but also and especially the one which most influences viewers.
- Roland BARTHES, La chambre claire, Edition Gallimard, collection « Cahiers du cinéma Gallimard », Paris, 1980
- Alexandre ASTIER et François ROLLIN, Astier et Rollin posent les bases de la pensée moderne, Editions Jacob-Duvernet, 2010
- Lucas DENJEAN, Internet Media Cannibale, EBG, Enlebi Editeur, Paris, 2006
- Allociné – Direction Grégoire Lassalle et Claude Esclatine- http://www.allocine.fr/